Explorer Buddies

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Why do I do these things to myself? I build relationships then knock them down. I don't deserve the people in my life. I'm just a waste of time. That's all I'll ever be.

I sit on the porch waiting for everybody to get back. Not that my presence would matter to them anyways.

Finally, a car shows up.

"SAMMM!" I yell as he dodges my hugs and walks into the house.
"Just leave him alone." Corey scowls. Not even Aaron would talk to me. Ugh. I didn't want to stay here tonight. I couldn't. So I texted my friend Bella.

Colby- 'really need somewhere to stay tonight. Can I come over?'

Bella- '...'

Colby- 'please! They won't speak to me.'

Bella- 'fine. 3 pm.'


*Ding dong*
"Hey." I hug bella once she opens the door.
"Come on in." She murmurs.
"You're really quiet.. is something wrong?" I ask.
"It's just.." she took a breath. "I found out jack was cheating on me and we broke up yesterday..." IF U DIDNT KNOW, jack was Bella's boyfriend of three years.
"Nooo." I said griping onto her. "I'm sorry bells."
"it was for The best." She cried into my shoulder. I waited a few minutes for her to pull out of the hug.
"Ice cream?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. We walked around town and talked. She was always easy to talk to.

"If you're up for it, I was thinking we could go exploring tonight?" I look over to her.

"Hmmm... Why not." She giggles.
1:03 am

Our car approached the graveyard. We got out slowly, immediately I felt a presence. The grave yard was very small and crowded, but we could definitely see some possible hiding spots. We walked for an hour, filming and talking, until we heard a gun shot. So close you'd think you were the one shooting the gun. Immediately bella began to cry as i rushed her out of the yard but we were too late as a dark shadow approached us.. a familiar shadow... WAIT A MINUTE-

Heartbroken // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now