chapter 5 - Plastique

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Outfits in the external link

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the streets, Barry/Flash was zooming through the streets.

Barry: (voice over) "My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. I am the Flash."

Vera/Pyra was using fire to fly through the sky.

Vera: (voice over) "I'm Vera Mitchell, and I am Pyra."

Aurora/Glacia stood in an abandoned street, kneeling to the ground, touching the cement, using the contact to build a smooth wall of ice over the ground.

Aurora: (voice over) "I'm Aurora Swan. You can call me Glacia."

Logan/Guardian was keeping a falling bridge together to save everyone on it.

Logan: (voice over) "My name is Logan Hemmings, and I am the strongest man alive. They call me Guardian."

Barry/Vera/Aurora/Logan: (voice over) "Central City is a city of heroes."


From 1.02 "Strength in Speed, Ice and Fire", in the Cortex, the team was talking.

Cisco: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Flash)"

"All of us want to make a difference, okay?" Logan asked. "Wee just know when we need help, and not go off on our own. When one of us needs the others, we will be there."

From 1.04 "Going Rogue", in the museum, Vera/Pyra and Aurora/Glacia stood together, using long streams of fire and ice to use as a shield against the cold ray gun, pushing the cold ray and Snart back, the force of it enough to make Snart fall to the floor.

Logan: (voice over from 1.02 Strength in Speed, Ice and Fire) "When one of us needs the others, we will be there."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the street, the car nearly fell onto Emma after the explosion. Logan arrived, running in front of Emma, using his super strength to catch the car before it fell onto them.

Vera: (voice over from 1.02 Strength in Speed, Ice and Fire) "This is what we talked about."

From 1.01 "Pilot", outside the barn, Barry/Flash zoomed around the tornado in the opposite direction. The tornado unraveled due to Barry's speed, making it dissipate in an explosion.

Vera: (voice over from 1.02 Strength in Speed, Ice and Fire) "Us using our powers to do good."

From 1.02 "Strength in Speed, Ice and Fire", in the Cortex, the team was talking.

"We talked about you four helping contain metahumans," Caitlin told them.

From 1.04 "Going Rogue", in the CCPD, Barry, Emma and Iris were talking.

"After all these journalism classes, I started a blog," Iris told them.

From 1.04 "Going Rogue", in Jitters, Emma, Logan and Iris were talking.

Emma looked at Iris, nodding sarcastically. "Logan's very humble."

Later, Iris looked at Emma. "You're so wrapped up in work that you wouldn't even know if you liked the guy or not."

From 1.04 "Going Rogue", in Jitters, Logan and Emma were sitting together.

"I wanted to say something for a while, but I was worried that it would change everything," Logan admitted.

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