Ch 8

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Shoutout to the people who vote before even reading. Congrats: you make me giddy inside. cx


Josilyn Pov


"Bate, Bate, Choc-o-laté

Bate, Bate, Choc-o-laté"

"Baby, are you singing again?" Louis whispers, peaking around the corner of the kitchen.

"Shhh.. She's watching Dora, Lou." I quietly shush him.

Luckily Brianna isn't distracted by our voices. Her eyes stay glued onto the screen as I continue to guide her arms to stir the chocolate cupcake mix in the bowl.

"Mix your choc-o-late,


Bate, Bate, Chocolaté"

"Bah-ee, bah-ee!" She giggles at the TV.

Louis slowly comes into the kitchen, careful not to distract her. He wraps his arms around me and lies his hands on top of mine. Now all three of us are perfectly stirring the already smooth chocolate mix. He rests his head on my shoulder and looks up at the screen.

I smile. One, soon to be, big, happy, dysfunctional, perfect family.

"So, was this pure coincidence or?"

"Kind of. I thought it'd be nice for me and Bri to bake you guys some cupcakes. I flipped on the TV and searched to find some cartoon on and what do ya know? This episode of Dora was on." I tell him, "So I put away the original box I had out and found the chocolate mix."

"But you hate chocolate.." He mumbles into the fabric of my shirt.

"Yes, that is very true, but you guys love the disgusting flavor." I make a face and he chuckles, "So I'll settle for some grapes or something this time. I figured, what the hay."

"How considerate." He teases, giving me gentle kisses up my neck. "Start getting ready soon, I don't want to be late for our reservation tonight. Tonight is special."

I slowly nod and release a happy sigh, closing my eyes, at the feel of his lips against my skin. "Shouldn't you.. be packing?"

He hums, "Yeah but, I'd rather not think about that right now."

I pull away slightly, shooting him a look. "Stop trying to put it off, Louis."

"I'm not."

"You leave in a few days. Don't wait till the day before to start packing again."

He rolls his eyes, "Yes, honey."

"Don't use that tone with me." I smirk and elbow him. I try to stop stirring but Brianna starts whining again. I huff.

Louis opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Babe, it would be great if you could help me out. I've been stirring this chocolate for 15 minutes, because Brianna won't let me stop. She gets mad every time I try to stop but they'll never get finished at this rate."

He leans down and picks Brianna up. She begins to throw a small tantrum, reaching back out to the chocolate. "No, daddy."

"See?" I sigh. "She just does not want to let go of the spoon."

Louis takes the mixing spoon from the bowl, brushing off all the excess chocolate so there's only a little left on it. He takes a small lick of his own and licks his lips, "Sweet." He gives the spoon to Brianna and she instantly quiets, sticking it in her mouth.

The Accident 2 (Sequel) // L.T.Where stories live. Discover now