Original Character Introduction 2 and 3 of ?

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Ok...so i was personally told to do this OC competition thing. As AJScreator has put up this challenge. So I'm doing 2 OC's because i need more villain ones.

Alright. First.

Names: Given, Lilith. Hero Nightingale.

Quirk: Nightmarish Illusion. Creates a realistic illusion of someone's greatest fear. This quirk is powered by sleep however, if overused it causes intense insomnia. Depending on how much sleep she gets the target will experience a more realistic version of their greatest fear.

Skills: She's an expert at hand-to-hand and is great with a bow rod.

Hero outfit. Nightingale armor but as the color and has traits of a nightingale bird.

Likes to spend her free time sleeping or hanging with friends.
Although she's always tired she has a very outgoing personality.


Known name: Ragdoll
Name: unknown
Quirk: Self Voodoo Doll. If the user consumes the DNA of there target any pain and scarring inflicted onto oneself will be transferred to the target tenfold.
Plus sides. He cannot feel any pain while his quirk is active. And is great for torturing information out of people...or make them go insane.
Downsides. He'll start to feel the pain after the effects wear off. Any appendages cut off can't grow back. And it last for roughly 2 hours with the most DNA consumed.
Villain outfit is basically just a very beat up rag doll costume (hence his name) but he only uses it if he needs to go out. Otherwise he wears only paints or shorts when torturing people. He is very heavily scarred , except for his face. Got to keep up appearances yo....all i got fer him..

Oh yeah! His quirk basically just enhances the sensitivity to one's nerve system and can be used to mentally torture someone with pleasure. He a very fucked up character...

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