You lie; I leave

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Hii, my name is bernyBB check out my poetry book: Beauty Beyond Me.
This is for the contest: Drowning

By: thirteencomets and thevividimaginator

I'm dedicating this story to: theloveparadise

Why: for the openness and caring heart that is always portrayed in the stories written by her.
After having dinner with his family, everything changed.


After having dinner with his family, everything changed.
A week earlier he had told me how fantastic it was that he would introduce me to his family as his first black girlfriend - he was certain that his family would love me.
I was at a lost for word when I realised that not only was I his first black girlfriend, but his only girlfriend that he has ever had - why?
He slowly walked towards me; embracing me into his arm as his mouth found it's way to my neck. The room silently at peace, until I decided to speak.
'Oscar, we need to talk.' I said it so softly that I was terrified that I would to have repeat myself.
'Not right now, Toya.' He mourned as he continued to leave soft - wet kisses on my neck before making his way to my face.
'Mother was very proud that you kept to your word, and have not said anything to anyone.' He kisses my cheek before staring deeply into my eyes.
I slowly push him away from his touch before taking my position on the edge of the bed.
'Why shouldn't I? It's a great idea that you lied about your many girlfriends and how poor your family is.' I stood my ground - spoke with clenched teeth but hurt evident in my eyes.
I knew something else was off,but I did not mention it. I was not sure if what was penetrating through my brain was an act of tiredness.
'Toya.' He said it so firmly that I shifted a bit more onto the bed to examine him.
He seemed relieved somehow, as if what I mentioned was exactly what he wanted to hear.
'I don't want us having problems, especially after you have met with my parents - my whole family.'
I quickly eye him while sensing that something changed. 
'I'm sorry, I'm not feeling very well, if you will excuse me, I'm going to rest for a few hours - maybe more.' I faked a yawn as I wrapped myself in the comfort of the duvet.
I needed time to think before I said something totally based on my intuition - with no facts.
I shifted my weight; my back was now facing him. I slowly sensed his body near me. I kept still, like a motionless body found on the side of the road.
My heart was throbbing, wanting to leave my body and run towards the door without even looking back.
After a few seconds, he leaned in, pecked me on my lips before removing himself from the bedroom
I heard the bedroom door shut close, and I sighed in relief - releasing the air that I had forcefully kept.
Not only did I not drink from the glass they served me that night, I made sure to call my friend, who was a doctor, the next day when Oscar was not home.
The comestibles that I had digested had been planted with a sedative - Benzodiazepines. There was something they needed hidden, but what?
I could not recall the events during the dinner or after, but the images of the house was very vivid.
The glass chandelier that hung proudly in the entrance of the house lit the hallways with a glittering glow that drew me in.
The antique glass mirror that hung alongside the family pictures was barely an object that could be missed as we had shifted towards the dinner table. It flowed a sense of tranquillity and mystery. The crystal diamonds on the edges of the mirror appeared to be real, but I was not able to examine it properly as I felt a hand grasping firmly on my wrist.
'My dearest, the dinner table is right this way.' Oscar's father stated as he lets my hand go, and waits for me to walk out first.
As I walked towards the other side with Oscar's father still behind, I shifted my eyes to the gray wall. With more art work hanging in display, I tilted my head, and at the corner of my right eye; I spot something very strange - an uneven wall.
That only could mean one thing - a secret doorway, but why?
I could not remember what else happened that night, but the idea of it gave me shivers. Who exactly is Oscar? What is his family hiding from the world?
Questions continued to freely flow into my head as I made my way downstairs the next morning. Oscar was seating in his usual chair with the morning newspaper in his hands, a cup of black coffee - and his usual untouched breakfast laying promisingly on the breakfast table.
'Good morning, love,' he said with a smile before shifting his eyes back to his newspaper.
I felt the need to not reply, but that would mean that something was wrong - and he would know immediately what it was, which could eventually result to more trouble for me.
So instead of replying, I walked towards him and pecked him on the cheek before giving him a huge smile.
I sat down beside him, my breakfast already waiting for me to devour it.
'How did you sleep last night?' He asked after a few minutes of eating in silence.
'Last night, you felt really tired so you called it a night and went to sleep.' He said, stating the facts.
'Oh yes, I just didn't feel too well - maybe an upset stomach,' I said trying to avoid this conversation from continuing any further.
He sensed it - raised an eyebrow at me.
Before he could saying anything I changed the conversation to something that would place him on the spotlight.
'I hear work has been skyrocketing; the cases are paying big money, hey?' I asked him with a smile plastered on my face.
'Oh yes, and I was just about to tell you the good news - great news actaully, ' he said with a smirk.
'Well, tell me. I'm eager to find out,' i squealed.
'You are looking at the new junior partner at the firm.' He said proudly.
'Wow, Oscar. You derserve it.' I said through admiration.
'They picked the right man for the job,' I said.
'They sure did.' He grinned as he placed the newspaper on the table.
'I have to get to work before I am late.' He stood up, and grabbed his keys. 
'We wouldn't want a junior partner late, now would we?' He said with a grin.
'We sure wouldn't.' I stated as he leaned in for a kiss.
What if I was just over thinking and Oscar is still the same man I fell in love with. I couldn't handle being left alone in the house with silence as my only friend to console me - so I called my therapist and scheduled an emergency session.
Five minutes later, and we both seated in her office - silence.
That was how we always started our session - by allowing the brain to relax, I got so accustomed to it that it became a second nature to me.
I finally could think clearly after the thirty minute session with my therapist.
She was probably right - I need to build up my confidence and ask him about everything relating to his parents. I at least promised her that I would.
I ate dinner alone. My eyes drifted towards the entrance door after every agonising second. Why was he not home yet?
Finally the doorknob cringed and he walked inside. He dropped his suitcase and walked towards me.
'Why are you home so late?' I asked through clenched teeth.
'I was caught up at work.' He answered.
'Caught up at work doing what?' I asked suspiciously.
'I was busy on a case. Why are you acting as if something else happened?' He looked me in the eyes.
'No, it's nothing.' I said flustered.
'I was just worried about you; you didn't even call to tell me that you would be late.' I stated.
'Oh about that, I was going to, but it got so busy and I got side tracked that I totally forgot.' He said so calmly.
'Now, please give me a big kiss, because I missed you.' He moved forward to kiss me.
This was exactly the right time to tell him what me and my therapist had discussed I should do (concerning his parents) - ask him about his family, but for some odd reason, nothing came out.
I kissed him before embracing him into a long hug.
'Listen, I've been meaning to tell you about my family. We not a normal rich family.' He continued.
I shifted from his embrace and I took a seat.
'Mother and father are drug dealers and they operate from home, that is why you saw the uneven wall - it is the sercet tunnel. The diamonds on the antique glass mirror are real.'
'What... how d... do you know that I kn... knew about this? I stuttered.

'father was being suspicious.' He said.

'Is there anything else that you have lied to me about, beacuse honestly Oscar, I was thinking of calling off the wedding. I can't allow myself to drown in the lies that you are tied with. I love you Oscar,but...'

'Then stay with me. Let's start all over again - somewhere else where no one knows us.' He embraced me in his arms as I slowly weeped.

~The End

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