Make the HOURS Count

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"You sleeping on the floor, I'll take the bed."

"Why should I be the one to sleep on the floor?"


"The name's Drake."

"Right, look Drake, I am a very wealthy woman, who needs to sustain her reputation."

"No one is here, besides me of course."

"Exactly! You are here, a bloody low-life. I will not have you sleeping in the same bed as me."

"Such insult coming out of the mouth of a pretty lady, huh?"

"Keep your sleazy comments to yourself, I will not tolerant it - especially if it's coming from... from -"

"A scumbag, a dirty nobody? Which one do you prefer best?"

"Just stay on the floor and we'll have no problems at all."

"Well, I disgree, I was assigned to this room as well as you were, so, I have as much right as you do to occupy that bed over there"

"What the -"

"So, it's either you share the bed with me, a low-life, or you take the floor, your choice?"

Izzie rushed into the bathroom. Her eyes were seeing red.

"How dare this guy talk to me as if we're from the same class?"

"Who does he think he is?" She shouted in the mirror that reflected her beautiful cheekbones. Her hair was still perfectly in tacked and she couldn't be more proud.

"Listen here young lady, I'm just a door away from you. I can hear every single word you utter out loud."

"What if I wanted you to hear me?"

"Then you did a pretty good job, because I'm sick of the insults."

She opened the door, ready to embark on her many insults, just to annoy him.

Just as she was about to close the bathroom door behind her, he pulled her close to him. His hands holding firmly on her waist.

"Listen," he pinned her against the wall - his breath tickling her neck as he made his way closer to her ear.

"Umm...get a... away from me," she tried to push him away, but he firmly kept his position.

"Your body is screaming for something more," he softly bit her ear and she softly moaned.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself?" He softly chuckled, but still kept his  positioning.

"No, I'm not!" She finally got her voice back and she was able to push him away.

"Don't you dare come near me again." She commended.

He threw his head back and laughed really loudly - You would think he was trying to wake the people in the hotel with all his commotion.

"You know something?"

"What?" She snapped.

"You really beautiful when you're not angry."

"Shut up!"

"We can't be civil for just one minute, huh?"

"We can't. I don't associate with people from a lower class than me."

He snickered.

"Who said I was from a lower class?"

"You not?" She looked up at him in surprise.

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