I think I'm an accomplice to murder

10 3 0

Hey Roseset.


It's done, don't worry about it

About what.

I got it covered. I have the money and hid the body.

You what?

Yeah, don't worry. No one knows where I hid the body.

Hmm. ^^  Are you happy with the amount I gave you.

More than happy, it was more than we had agreed upon.

Good. I like to award people who do what they're told - without questioning my demands.

How did you kill him?

Him? It was a female, Logan.

Ummm... yes of course. It was a "typo"




How did you kill her?

It was hard at first. Just to get her out of her work place was difficult.

You killed her at her work place?

Of course not. I do my job very discreetly.

I had convinced her that I worked for her husband. At first she was uneasy, but when I told her that he sent me as part of her 'surprise', she tagged along.

That part was easy.

It sure wasn't when we were sitted in the car.


As I try to inject her with a dose of sleeping pills, she gracefully grabs my hand that was holding the sharp object.

Does she inject you?

No, she's instead buried 6 feet under where no one would ever think of looking for her

What is wrong with you?

What do you mean?

Do you regret ordering to kill her?

I didn't order sh*t!!!

You so did, and these messages prove it.

 I thought it was a bloody prank, not some real sh*t that actaully happened.

Don't start trying to act innocent now.

I'm not trying, I am bloody innocent.


That's not my name.

It was a few hours ago.

I was just... listen, do not text me again.

That's not possible.


You said to kill your husband next.

Are you CRAZY!!! I love my husband.

That's not what you told me on the phone a few days ago.

Text me again and I call the cops.

We'll see if the cops won't arrest you after I show them the text messages.

You are a crazy psychopath!

That is why you chose me for the job.

I didn't choose you for sh*t.

Oh you did, after you found out that your dear poor little husband was having an affair with her - slut, you couldn't help yourself but be in range.

My husband would never cheat on me.

Isn't that what all you girls say?


Listen, I'll forget this whole 'you calling the cop' sh*t, but if you pull something like that again, I will not be able to restrain myself.

What would you do.

I will not hesitate to kill you.

○ ○

Don't get scared. If you don't try to pull tricks on me,  you'll be fine, but if you do...

I won't.

Good, 'cause that poor lady is not just 6 feet under, I cut her into little chicken pieces and buried It in different locations.

Did I order that..?

You did not just order it, you pleaded that I do it.

Me? Are you really show it's me? I have never done something like this before.

3 hours later.

Do not text this number again, forget that this conversation ever happened and... if you dare try your luck with the police - you will be the Turkey for my Thanks Giving.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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