Somethings telling me to leave but I won't

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Damned if I Do Ya ~ All Time Low

"So where to?" I sighed stepping into the taxi. He opened the door for me, but I didn't thank him.

"I was thinking you would really like this café. I go there all the time and there's a book shelf where people swap books."

I wanted to say, how do you know what I would like? but instead I said "Okay."

We sat in silence and I could feel his eyes on me, but I kept my eyes glued to the view out the window. Don't look Sofia, don't look, just his stare could easily break down my wall that I built. The wall that was caused by him. He's the enemy, so why do I feel like he's still my only ally?

"It's rude to stare you know." I said turning my head to meet his eyes. Dang it, I only lasted two minutes without looking!

"Oh um I wasn't" he said scratching his head, smiling sheepishly and then turned away.

I took my phone out and sent my mom a text that I landed safely and was in California, I left out the part where I'm currently with my ex boyfriend who she hates with every bone in her body. I should too, shouldn't I? I mean he is the one who ruined me, but its not that simple, I could never hate him. Maybe if he killed somebody, but even then I would probably find a stupid logical explanation for that and then forgive him.

"Do you remember the first day of Mr Avery's writing class?" James asked, suddenly breaking the silence.

"Yes. You were in the back and I was in the front and you would always stare at me. I think you thought I didn't notice but I could feel your eyes quite literally burning the back of my head." I answered.

He chuckled. "That's cause you were the prettiest girl I had ever seen, and you were intriguing, you still are. Before the professor came in you were always reading a new book or writing. I wanted to know more about you so I just stalked you from the back for a month." I secretly looked up from my book everyday to see him walk in the class, usually he was late. Sometimes he wore the same shirt twice.

I laughed too. It was the first time I laughed in a while. It felt good, this felt good.

"So I never asked but how come you're here? Like in California not that it's not great and all but how come?"

"I'm moving here for my novels and a fresh start. And one of my novels are up for a TV show so it was just best to be here for business. I got my books published so I guess I'm an official author now."

"I know, I've read all your books, they're fantastic."

"You read them?" Shit hopefully he didn't catch on to some details that may or may not have been inspired by him.

"I have copies of them all. I'm really proud you accomplished your dream."

I didn't know what to say so I just tucked my hair behind my ears and looked back out the window.

When we finally got to the cafe James paid for the cab and led me inside. The car was warm and inviting with green lush plants all around. Everyone looked content in an arm chair or at a table, their head in a book or laptop.

James went up to the register. He smiled at the cashier, a middles aged woman with blonde curly hair starting to grey just the slightest bit.

" Hey James you back again! Who's your friend?" She greeted him.

"This is Sofia she's new to California she's from my home town."

"Are you here to visit him?" She gave him a knowing smile, was I missing an inside joke here?

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