We've Been Here Before

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All We Ever Knew ~ The Head and the Heart

I woke up to the bright morning sun pouring through the big windows of my living room. Wiping the sleep out of my eyes I looked around in confusion. "Where am I?" I said sitting up and pushing my hair out of my face.

"You're in your new apartment." I heard a voice say next to me grouchily. I looked down at the source of the voice. It was James. So I guess yesterday was actually real. He buried his head into the blanket on top of my legs more, trying to hide from the sun.

"Unhand me Gollum I have to get ready." I pushed his head off of my legs and went to stand up, but James had other ideas. "My precious!" He screeched as he tried to grab my legs and pull me back down, instead I tripped forward and fell on my face. I didn't have time to even cushion my fall with my arms, when I say face first I mean face flat onto the cold tile. What a great start to my first morning in California. Note the sarcasm.

Groaning I pushed myself up from the floor cradling my right cheek that got most of the impact.

In between his laughter he managed to let out a "Are you okay?" I threw a pillow at his face before exiting to brush my teeth, wash my face, and change out of these nasty clothes from yesterday. After that was done I put light makeup on and walked back out and into the kitchen.

James was there waiting for me with a shy smile on is face. "Sorry?" he said coming up to me with a little bag full of ice and stuck it carefully on my left cheek.

"Wrong cheek." I grabbed his hand and moved it from the left to the right one.

Three awkward minutes passed until he broke the silence. "So you have no food so we can go out to breakfast or go to a grocery store and get ingredients." he said putting down the ice.

"How about we get breakfast and then I'll get groceries after." I replied pushing myself up onto a barstool next to my counter.

"What about me? I like grocery shopping." He huffed like a little kid.

"Don't you have something better to do, like go to work and shelve books?"

"I'm off today so I'm all yours."

"Oh goody. How lucky am I?" I said sarcastically.

"Very. I'm a commodity. Lets get some flapjacks."

"Don't you want to change out of your clothes?" Why does he keep insisting on staying?

"I have been wearing these for two days , one more won't hurt. Unless you want to see me in some of those thongs of yours." he said wiggling his eyebrows.

I wrinkled my nose. "You are a disgusting creature."

"Well aware." he responded before we exited my apartment. I grabbed my keys and shut the door and grudgingly followed him. I realized I didn't even know where we were going.

I wonder if they have IHOP in California or if its just an east coast thing? As if he could read my mind he said "IHOP is not too far of a walk from here. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah!" I smiled, we used to always go to IHOP back in Maryland, he remembered.

An agonizing ten minute walk later and we arrived. My mouth started to water at the delicious scent wafting out of the restaurant.

"After you ma'lady." James said while swinging the door open, causing the bell to ring. Boy I ain't your lady.

We sat at the table and I didn't even need to look at the menus. The waiter came to our table and asked for our order. He caught my eyes because of his fire red hair as well as his muscular built under his uniform. I read his name tag and it said Max. "Hi Max can I get a stack of New York cheese cake pancakes for me and a stack of blueberry pancakes for him with two coffees please?" I said with a smile.

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