I Remember the Rush

43 18 18

Hard Feelings/Loveless ~ Lorde

"What the heck are you doing?" I  called to James as I walked out of the brightly lit bathroom to him opening all my bags on top of my new unmade bed.

"Helping you unpack silly." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. As he dug through one luggage I went and did the others. I instructed him where to put things.

"Ooooo what do we have here" He laughed while wiggling a handful of my underwear in the air. My eyes went wide and I tried to grab it from him, but my height wouldn't allow it.

"Give it James this isn't funny!" I whined.

"Oh but it so is! Were you wearing these scandalous things when we were togethor?"

"James Oliver Anderson I will kick you out!"

"Fine, but I was just kidding these are sexy." He followed this statement with a whistle and a wink.

"I can't remember you being this infuriating." My face was red and I snatched the pile from his hand and placed them in my drawers.

When we finished putting my clothes away, well when I finished because I banished him before he could get to the bras, wanted to get him back by making him move some furniture around.

"No a little more left and back." I said while James moved the coffee table around, the rubber bottom squeaked as he pushed it around the tile floor. "Actually I change my mind, not enough leg room in the couch area. Much more front and right James what are you doing? You suck at this!"

"This is literally exactly where it was originally!" He huffed pulling his sweatshirt down where it had risen up.

All the furniture came with the apartment and everything had been set up before I got there. That's a big reason why I chose this place, why buy furniture and risk mix matching it when you can just buy the package deal with modern furniture all thrown in? When I redid my bedroom in high school it wasn't pretty, nothing matched, a colorblind person could've done a better job. I've never had a knack for colors and the painting spectrum of the arts.

Everything except the tv was functioning as it should be. I realized this after making James move most of the furniture around just to put it back in the original spot.I groaned and slapped the remote against my hand three times, hoping it would magically make the tv come on. James gently took it out of my hand. "Its not the remote, its probably something with the cable box or wiring." he said before standing up and examining the tv.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for an elf living in your tv stand. What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going to fix your tv."

"Wow Fix it Felix is that you?" I said sarcastically, knowing that we would just be watching a blank screen the rest of the day. He couldn't even fix a lightbulb without asking his dad for help, he burnt himself grabbing it too soon.

Ten minutes later I went into my room and grabbed a blanket to be cozy and retuned to the couch and snuggled up. It was hilarious how much he was struggling with this task. It was sweet he was trying though. I smiled, seeing that his old habits didn't change, he still tugged at the front of his hair when he was frustrated.

"I would think a manual should be inside the cabinet."

"A real man doesn't need a manual!" James yelled proudly, not even looking up from his handful of colorful wires.

After an exhausting and overwhelming day it was no surprise that I fell asleep on the couch. Was he still going to be there when I woke up? Maybe this was a cruel dream or my flight actually crashed and this was my heaven. Nah that's not possible, but what even is life cause anything technically could be possible.

I opened my eyes when I felt a hand on my cheek. "Psssst Sofia I go it working." James whispered, his face was right infront of mine. I looked over at the floor where he was sitting and noticed the manual opened on the floor.

"So you did except defeat." I said giggling.

"No I was just using the manual as a butt pad the floor was getting hard." He shot back.

"The pillows look a little softer, wouldn't you agree James."

"Well you're hogging all of them. Look at you taking the whole blanket."

He tugged my nice warm blanket off of me and wrapped himself up in it. "Hmmm I love prewarmed bankets." He snuggled deeper into it.

"Hey!" I jumped ontop of him trying to rip my blanket off but his grip tightened  on it. I managed to wiggle myself into an opening and ended up with one corner of the blanket. Five minutes of tug-a-war later and he stopped.

"Truths!" he said putting his hands up.

"Sucker!" I yanked the rest of the covers back ontop of myself.

"No fair! Can we compromise?" he crawled over to my side of the couch and grabbed my waist pulling me into him. Immediately I could feel his warmth through the blanket. He took half of the covers so that we were sharing it and he placed his arm around me.

I flinched at the sudden touch, we were way too close. I stood up letting the blanket all fall onto him. "You can use that one I'll just get another blanket." I said looking down and nervously pushing my messed up hair out of my face and walking out of the room.

I sat back down with my own blanket and noticed his was now gone.

"I lost mine can we please share." James said looking at me with puppy dog eyes, and lightly tugging on the edge of my blanket.

"How did you loose a huge ass blanket?"

"It just ran away probably to find a better owner who didn't play tug-a-war with it. Sharing is caring Sofia."

"Fine." I sighed a little and allowed him to move in under it with me. I kept my distance and he didn't try to get too close, opting to rest his arm on the back of the couch .

Seven episodes of The Office later and I was even more exhausted. Every five minutes I would yawn and could barely keep my heavy eyes open.

"You can go to sleep I don't mind." He said rubbing circles into my back. I don't know how is arm migrated there, but I didn't fight it. I just yawned in reply before I rested my head against his chest which was way better than a pillow, then I closed my eyes.


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Hey guys! So originally this was a super long chapter but I ended up splitting it in half into two! Check out my cast list to get an idea who I imagine as my characters!

Please VOTE & COMMENT!!! Also I do read for read just pm!

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