Nice to Meet Ya

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So Nice To Meet Ya ~ Hayden Calnin

Ten minutes into grocery shopping and James and I were already bickering. He kept putting unnecessary snacks he knew I don't like into my cart. After the fourth pack of Original Pringles were thrown into my cart I lost it.

"You need to go I cannot baby you and watch what you put in my cart! Go watch the lobsters or something, I'll come get you when I'm done." I grabbed all pringles out of my cart and shoved them into his arms and pushed him into the other direction, his sneakers squeaked against the floor as he spun around and stomped off.

I didn't realize there was another person in the aisle until I heard quiet laughter from a young woman. I turned to inspect her and she appeared to be around my age. She had long thick brown hair that fell in natural waves around her round face, a button nose, and eyes that were blue, but almost grey. Her cheeks had a warm glow and her white smile was completed by a set of dimples on the corners of her mouth. I smiled and laughed along and then she pushed her cart over to me.

"You and your boyfriend are so cute!" She said giggling.

I blushed red. "He's not my boyfriend." I responded while grabbing a box of dried pasta and placing it in my cart. In fact he's pretty far from it.

"Oh so brother? Best friend?" She questioned.

"No actually he's my ex." I said laughing awkwardly.

Her mouthed dropped open in disbelief. "How can you have such a good relationship with an ex. When did you breakup? Why? I wish he was your brother he's gorgeous I would have asked for his digits. I can't believe you split with that hottie though. Can you teach me how to get a guy like that? Wait does he have a brother possibly a really identical twin?" All these words tumbled out of her mouth so fast she had to take a breathe.

Her eyes went wide as if she was just aware of all her questions. "You don't have to respond if you don't want to." She cut in.

"No its fine, lets see, its complicated relationship lets just say I hadn't seen him in two years until yesterday, by accident. He has a little brother named Isaac but he's probably like seventeen now and lives in Maryland, I don't even know how to get a hottie, and sorry no twin." I responded making sure I covered all her questions. I just met this girl and she was already digging into my life, but I kind of liked her. She was out going and didn't think before she spoke, instead she apologized after she said it.

"Aw I really was hoping for a brother, but seventeen isn't too young though."She said jokingly.  "But if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean you just saw him for the first time in two years? After two years you guys seem to act like best friends!" Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

Somehow I ended up telling this random girl a summary of my sad excuse of a love life while shopping, obviously just a brief summary of James leaving me because a whole day wouldn't be enough to explain. She was a good listener and never interrupted but added questions when necessary. She dug for more info without crossing a line.

At the end of my story telling she was amazed. "Wow that's some complicated stuff, to tell you the truth I could not tell you guys had any issues from my outside perspective you seemed like a really happy couple. The type that bicker like they're married. I can't believe he left you you're a total catch if I was a dude I would be all over that!" We both cracked up.

"Well don't judge a book by its cover, and thanks I'll keep that in mind that if you suddenly turn into a dude I'll be sure to get ready for a date." I joked.

We kept talking aimlessly until James reappeared. "What's up Trader Hoes!" he said slinging his arms around our shoulders, not caring that she was a stranger, but that was just him. Always friendly and talkative with everyone, he made people feel comfortable and treated everyone as if they had been lifelong friends. "I have been looking everywhere for you Sofia. The lobsters got boring after they finished eating the dead one in the tank."

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