Chapter 31 - Dark

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Chapter 31


My stomach hurt.

The sun was rising, and Carl's head was buried into the side of my neck. I was overthinking about the night before, yelling at myself.

You lied, I thought. He should hate you.

Carl certainly didn't hate me, not after the kisses we shared after the argument. I moved my feet awkwardly as I remembered Carl's hands against the button of my jeans.

I felt Carl stir, and suddenly he was up and stretching. I bit my lip, watching as he stretched his muscles.

Dammit, Kat, stop looking, I said to myself.

Carl peeked over his shoulder and caught my eyes burning a hole into his back. I averted my eyes to my lap, where I stared harshly. Soon, his fingers were under my chin and he was laughing. He leaned towards me, tickling me with his hot breath.

"It's rude to stare," Carl reminded me. I pushed him away.

"You tease," I protested, standing up. Carl smirked.

"Whatever," he mumbled. I stretched myself and grabbed the note off the floor. Carl's smirk faded.

"We have to tell the others," he said softly. I swallowed.

"Do what you have to do." I handed him the paper, and he took it in dirty hands. I sighed.

"What day is it, do you know?" I asked. Carl looked up and pulled something out of his bag. It was a calendar, pocket-sized. The year on it was off, but I saw pen marks and notches on the days. He must've been changing them and keeping count.

"It should be Wednesday, late June," he replied. I tilted my head to the side.

"When's your birthday?" I urged.

"Late June."

"Coming up?"

"Already passed."

I smiled. Carl rubbed his lips together, looking at the floor.

"How old are you now?" I asked.


I sat beside him on the bed and kissed his skin warmly. "Older than me."

Carl shrugged and put the notebook back in the bag, turning to me. I wanted to burst into a fit of laughter. His lips were unbelievably wet and his eyes were staring at my mouth. I slid my hand up, brushing his hair away from his face. It was long and dark and soft and greasy. My own blonde hair was pulling into a messy ponytail, strands falling to the side of my face.

For once, his eyes were gentle. I could see the water I so desperately wanted to dip into, the blue I wanted to drink and feel. But suddenly, looking down at myself, I was embarrassed.

Holy hell, you must look like shit, I suddenly thought.

I stood up quickly, breaking the loving stare between Carl and I.

"Is there a bathroom?" I asked. Carl shrugged.

"I'll come with you to find it," he said. We looked around the room, and I spotted the bathroom door.

"No need, its right here," I said softly. Carl nodded.

"Water probably doesn't work. Be careful."

I nodded, placing my knife into my belt. I swung open the door, dust flying. An old, weak walker sat on the floor, unable to move. It groaned and reached out a shaky hand, its dead flesh peeling. I bent down and pierced its head with the knife, watching the red and green-tinted blood run down its forehead.

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