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Colleen's POV
We just finished taking pictures! Jessica kept giving me warning looks. I don't think I told you, but my dates name is David. Anyways, she was giving me warning looks and I was confused! Why was she doing that? I'm so worried!

(C-Colleen D-David)

In the car on the way to prom

C- David! I'm so excited to going to prom! Thanks for going with me! I know I'm probably not who you wanted to go with, but thanks!
D- Why wouldn't I want to go with you? (Pulls a cigarette out of his pocket)
C- (looks alarmed) Well I'm ugly, short, fat, crusty, don't have a car and I'm younger than you. That's a just for starters.
D- (rolls down the window and smokes) and I'm pregnant.
C- What?
D-What? I thought we were saying things that were impossible.
C- Um

Colleen's POV

Was that a compliment?


Thanks so much for reading! More chapters coming soon!

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