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Colleen's POV
As David left, I curled up into a ball on the bathroom floor and cried. Why did he do this to me? Why are some people just so evil! I decided to call Jessica and ask her to come pick me up.
(C-Colleen J-Jessica)

(Colleen dialed Jessica's number and a teardrop fell onto her screen)

C- Jessica?
J- Colleen! I've been trying to get a hold of you for a long time! Are you alright?
C- (cries hysterically) No! Will you please come pick me up??
J- Of course. As long as you explain what happened in the car.

Colleen's backstory.

Hi. I'm Colleen Mae Ballinger and ever since I was 6 years old life has been terrible. I was 6, my little sister was one, and my dad died. He died from drunk driving. Not by him, of course. He was in the car, with a friend. They were going to a basketball game for some fun. My dads friend showed up
when he was drunk, and got my dad in a car crash. He flew through the windshield and got ran over by 9 different cars before someone stopped and noticed him. After that happened, my mom beats me and my sister through the walls. Of course, my brothers are living by themselves. So they are fine and don't bother to try and save me and Rachel. I can't imagine how bad she would beat me if I was pregnant. I have been beaten before, but nothing would compare to that.

J-See you in 5

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