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Colleen's POV

As we arrived at the party, I saw a lot of people dancing. So I joined them.

(C-Colleen D-David)

D- Uh, Colleen
C- Yes?
D-Where do you think you are going?
C-To dance with those people!
D- I thought we were gonna do a little dance in the bathroom!
C- oh yeah.

David takes Colleen to the bathroom and locks them in a stall. He then starts to take off her dress. Well, you know what happens after that.

Jessica's POV

It's been a long time since Colleen left for prom, I'm really worried. What if she got hurt? I'm so scared for her. I've tried calling her, but it didn't work. She didn't answer. Maybe I should call my brother.

(C-Colleen D-David)

D- Thanks
C-For what?
D- Giving me what I wanted. You didn't really think I loved you, did you? I just wanted to screw your life up. You will have a kid now. Can't go to college. I got just what I wanted.
C- (breaks into tears) Why would you want that for someone?
D- because when I come across someone who is better than me and is as easy to fool as you, I can't pass up the opportunity. Besides, you were so dumb that you didn't even listen to your family when they told you to watch out.
C- How could you (sob) do this (sob) to me?
D- You really thought that I loved you, didn't you?
D- Well, congratulations. You have been tricked. Good luck getting a ride home.(walks out the door, not giving Colleen time to say anything else)
C-(falls to the floor crying)

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