Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

My body was shown but my privates were covered by the laces worn all over my body. This fabric could have been ripped off of me quickly and easily. The show started and I was 7th last. I stand there in the line, joined with other girls, with lingerie and a whole load of make-up. The make-up making me look worse than I even did. Even with my heels on, I am very shorter than the other girls. They all look depressed being here...some even look jealous, disrespected...hurt. 

I see James walk up to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

'Are you ready?' he whispers. I nod and I look at the crowd. 'Okay, so you will be called, once you are called you go into the back room. You will be with your buyer. Do your best. Just do what you showed me. If it makes you feel any better, I will be in the crowd, okay?' he says as he walks away. No, it didn't make me feel any better.

I look at the stage as the girl swings her hips towards the pole as the men watch hungrily. The women holding the microphone saying things describing the girl. I squint my eyes looking at the back noticing a familiar man.

I get into someone else's conversation.

'Whys he here?' one of the girls says.

'Baby. You know why. He is here for a good fuck' she says as she goes onto the stage when her name is called.


The night continues as it is my turn to go into the stage. She calls out my name. I walk slowly out onto the stage and trying not to embarrass myself or trip and break a bone.

Once I get to the pole I grasp onto it and lift myself up and wrap my legs around it and let my torso and arms hang down the rest of the pole. As I grab the pole where my hands are I swing myself around, like a wheel, and put the pole between my legs and then I stand to let my hands take the pole and to let my bum stand out.

I look at all the men, smirking, smiling, clapping at me. Well my bum. The man at the back that was covered in the shadows slowly claps his hands.

'Thank you' the women said as I walk backstage getting my eyes off of his clapping hands.

I walk to where I am supposed to be. I open up the door and there's a bed. Huge bed. No one on it. I didn't get sold.  I smile widely to myself and turn around and gasping at the sight.

'James!' I say in shock as he smiles at me.

'Listen I cannot sell you. You are a virgin and you will get so much pain with any of those saggy men or hot twenty year olds. I can't let that happen and I can't let you get hurt. But when the time is ready you will lose it' he says talking me out of the room and back into the car we arrived in.

I am so happy I didn't get sold. I just imagined what they could have done to me. The bleeding and crying. It's not worth it. How does getting hurt make someone money? Especially 6  thousand for one girl. 

'Why do girls cost so much?' I say putting on my seat belt.

'What do you mean?' James replies as his hands are on the steering wheel.

'Let's say for example. You bought me from Harry, and you paid 6 thousand, why did I cost so much?' this was like maths all over again. 

'Louis paid more for you'

'More than 6 thousand?' I asked.

'Well, let me answer your question first. I buy you for 6 grand, depending on the girl the more or less money is spent and it all depends on her body and face. So I lose 6 grand and I need to make it back, more customers are attracted by sexier, hotter, younger women, and more customers means I get more money baby. Like these girls Louis bought. Twins. He paid 35 thousand for each. They "worked together" if you get what I mean, made double then what he spent' he bunny ears worked together and smile at the thought.

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