Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I wake to feeling really sick and sore. It feels like my heart is thumping in my stomach. Harry's arm is around my waist carefully placed. The weather is cool and it's still dark outside. What time was this? I slowly turn to get to any phone or clock of some sort. I slowly lean over Harry and grab his phone. I click on the home button and squint at the light.  Once my eyes adjust to it I turn it away from Harry so he won't wake up. I look at the time and notice it's not even two in the morning.  The phone is next thrown out of my hand.

'Don't touch my phone' he moans in my neck. Damn it!

'I was just checking the time' I whisper rubbing my face into his neck. Still not looking at him.

'Check your phone' he moans hugging my waist harder, stopping me from moving out of his arms.

'You broke my phone' I whisper reminding him as I am trying to push myself to sleep again.

'Yeah' he replies starting to kiss down my neck. Hitting my soft spot. I know what he was doing and I wasn't going to let that happen. Or was I?

'No Harry not today' I moan whispering into his ear.

His hands go to my waist pulling me onto him. I adjust myself so I am comfortable on his lower belly. He cups my chin bringing me down, kissing me softly. He lifts his legs as they hit my bum, pushing me against his private. He moans in my mouth. The kiss not once stopping as I place my hands on his large chest. His breaths taking my hands up and down with his chest.

His hands make their way to my bum. Cupping me gently as he pushes me over and now he is on top.

'Take me Harry' I whisper gripping his back tightly. His hands giving me shivers up my back while they make their way up my stomach, tickling me.

'Someday, and that day is today' he whispers kissing down my neck, traveling down my torso, stopping at my V-line. His knells up tracing my V-line as he smiles.

He grabs the waistband of my pants and pulling them down my legs throwing it somewhere around the room. I open my legs so Harry could enter, his kiss warms me up slightly. His waist coming down to my lower torso, I feel a bump along the way. I try making my way down to the bump. His hand catches me.

'No' he commands me, gripping my hand taking it to above me. His hand comes to my private and rests it on top.

My wetness is beginning. I feel the moist between my legs become wetter. His stomach comes to touch mine as I feel a cramp pierce me. I push him off of me hissing at the pain.

'Not today Harry' I whisper rubbing my stomach while the other hand pulls down my shirt.

'We are never going to feel each other and I swear I will force you to have sex with me if you can't give it' he whispers lying back down and covering himself. He's pissed and angry with me. I should have at least let him do something to me.

'I'm sorry' I whisper lying back down and feeling his arm come around my waist. At least he would still hug me in bed. I loved his hugs. So gentle, so warming. 


I close my eyes trying to get back to sleep. This was maybe the third time I have tried getting back to sleep. Harry already is asleep, he seems to do this quickly and easily. Pregnancy is making me having a hard time to rest. At least one cramp is always stabbing me. I found out that before Harry punched me the pain from cramps wasn't that bad and didn't last long. These ones after the punch went on for as long as 5 seconds, maybe even more

I am tapping my arm as I am trying to go to sleep. I soon notice two lights outside of the window. I look at them while I sit up on the bed. I sit up looking out the window, soon hearing doors of cars open and slam shut. I slap Harry gently.

'Harry' I say as I stand out of bed and not go to the window but stand far away enough to see outside.

We are on the highest floor and we can still see car head lights.

'Harry' I say louder than before.

'What? Get back to bed' he commands me after he asks me a question.

'Look' I say to him as I go to the window now looking at it.

I hear moans from him as he gets himself out of his perfect warm spot. Well, guess what? I did too. He walks over to me and I feel his hands later wrap around my torso and his chin resting on my shoulder. I intertwine my fingers with him as he looks at the window leaning with me.

'It's Niall and Britannia. Baby don't worry, I should have told you Niall was punishing her' he hums in my ear pushing me closer to him.

'Why? What did she do?' I whisper hardening my grip with Harry's fingers.

'You don't need to know and I told Niall to tell Brit not to tell you. If so, I will punish her' he hums again kissing my soft spot. I move my head so he doesn't reach it.

He untangles our fingers and with that same hand comes to my neck pushing me to the wall. His hand still stays put as he kisses me. I grab his biceps with a good grip, trying to push him off of me. His tongue in my mouth discovering inside. He releasing from me and smiles.

'You better let me do what I want to do' he lets go of my neck and I breathe for needed air.

'Get to bed. And sleep. You have to do things tomorrow for me. We might go back to my house' he says while walking away from me and walks around the bed as I walk straight forward for the bed.

I hop in as he covers the both of us. I feel his arm wrap around me and rest there peacefully. God knows what will happen to me if I shoved it off.

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