My Chemical Romance

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I went inside, it seems like they’re the only costumer here, it’s almost 12 midnight and they’re still laughing like it was the best day ever, they’re sitting right before the cashier so I walked towards them sat with them for a while. I saw Bob almost choking himself for all the laugh he does. I didn’t had a guts to look Frank, I punched him before.

“So, what happened?” Frank suddenly spoke, I am afraid he’s mad at me because I punch him right on his face, but he seems not. I look at him and sigh, “I’m confused but I don’t want to talk about it now.” I told him. “So… Ge… Leenna! Ya want some coffee?” Mikey said, as he look around to see if there’s someone’s there about to hear our conversation, I understand that he’s also afraid if someone know about the switched bodies of ours. “Yep, you don’t need to ask me that, I’d always love to have a coffee!” I said and smiled at my brother.

I missed having these kind of conversation, last time we talked in Starbucks is I think last year, before we met Leenna, I think it’s in New York, or something but, hell yeah, I fucking miss My Chemical Romance, I miss the way we all talk to each other not just a band member but best friends, the way how Bob choke himself with his laugh, the way Mikey smile without any sound coming out from him, the way Ray talks about how smart he is, and also the way Frank do his dirty jokes. They have been my family since the band started. I don’t want this to be over. And I also don’t want to loose Leenna, I’m afraid. “Here’s your favorite!” I heard Mikey said, but I ignore it, I stare at the coffee, how the bubbles popping, and the creamy coffee that seems like bouncing inside the cup, I smiled. “Hey are you alright?” Ray asked me, I think I stared at my coffee for almost half a minute.

“Yeah, I’m good!” I said, I don’t know if it’s a lie or I’m telling the truth. The moment I stared at my coffee, it seems like I forgot all the problems floating in my mind. I want to end this shit. “WEEELLLL!!” Bob sighed trying to snap me out of my thoughts, I smiled and started to stir my coffee.

Suddenly three girls entered the store and sat beside the glassed window. They all look into us like they seem know us, they keep whispering to each other while looking at us. “You know Leenna, you shouldn’t be in here!” Frank said, out loud, I smiled, this is going to be really fun. I sipped into the coffee and felt how really hot it is, “Well… why, Frank Iero!?” I said, looking at Frank, trying to hide my laugh. “Because we’re all boys in here!” he answered as he look into the three girls talking, they’re still looking at us. “Well, Mister… FRANK… EYE-RO! I’m not afraid of you.” I told him looking at the three girls.

“You know you need to stop this dudes!” Ray said.

“No man! This is fun!” Bob said, looking at Ray.

I slowly sipped my coffee again, avoiding not to burn my tongue.

The three girls stood up and walk towards us, “I’m sorry for being rude but…” one of the three girls started to speak, she’s kinda small, like Frank, but smaller than Frank. She got this black-wavy-hair, she also wears eyeliner and a black Ramones tee.  “…you’re My Chemical Romance right?” she continued, the band started to smile including me, we all need to be nice so we give them the best smile we could give. “Yep, we are!” Mikey said as he smile, showing his teeth. “Oh… my god… you guys really are!!!” the girl in pink shirt said. Her shiny straight hair bounced in her shoulders the time she said that, she’s really glad we’re… I mean, they’re My Chemical Romance. “OMG! I need to call Amber!” the girl with black hoodie jacket said, she pulled out her phone from her pocket and started to dial.

And so I started to finish drinking my coffee before it gets cold, because I know this is going to be a grand meet and greet.

“Oh, my. Oh my!! We’re a fan of yours, not huge but enough to idolize you all” the girl with Ramones said. “It’s really you, Frank Mikey Bob and Ray! OMG! OMG! Wait…” the girl in pink suddenly stopped, she’s really breathing heavily like she’s about to die. “Where’s Gerard Way?” she suddenly continue, Frank, Mikey Ray and Bob started to look at me, “What?” I asked them, trying to look confused. “Is she’s Gerard’s girl friend?” they look at the girl in pink for a while and stared at me again. “look kids…” I stopped Frank. “You guys need to be quiet about this okay?” I sincerely spoke, avoiding to talk like Gerard in the interviews. They all nod and started listening to me.

“I am Gerard’s girl friend, I lied in the interview to keep the band safe, to keep our relationship safe, the three of you are the only fans we trust about this okay, so if the news was spread all over Jersey and the world, That means it’s the fault of the three of you, okay?” I said, and simply smiled.

“My Chemical Romance, trust you about this confidential secret about us okay?” Frank said, holding the hand of the girl in Ramones tee. All of them blushed and nod, the girl in hoodie put her phone down, “We promised! we promised!” she said. “Uhmm… can we sit… beside you… guys?” the girl in pink shirt asked, “Yeah, yeah, we would love to have a companion!” Ray said. so they all sat beside us and started to order coffee. “Thank you soo much Ray!!” the girl in Ramones said.

They seems really loud, but Leenna is surely different to them, I was hoping that they’ll also say the same thing Leenna said to me the first time we met. But I guess, Leenna is just soo different than any other fans I’ve met. “Hey, you guys forgot to tell us your name!” I told them with all the sincerity I could give them, they all smile and seems so glad about my hospitality. “Oh yes, we forgot!” the girl in hoodie was surprised, “I’m Casey!” she said, “I’m Kendra!” the girl in Ramones said as she stand and walk into the counter, “I’m… Taylor!” and the girl in pink shirt said while placing her hair behind her left ear.

These three seems so nice, I thought they’re going to look at Leenna like she’s a piece of shit but they didn’t. I’m hoping that they accept Leenna as my girl and I hope they wouldn’t tell anybody about our relationship.

“So where’s Gerard anyway?” Taylor said, the band began to look at me again, “You guys are being weird!” I told the band, “Gerard is on the van!” I told them, again as sincerely as I could. “Uhhmmm… I’m sorry if I’m going to ask this but… you look soo young for Gerard!” She stopped, did she just insulted Leenna? “I mean I don’t mean to offend you but, your relationship is you know, forbidden!” what? And she dared to continue saying that sentence huh? “You know kid! Age doesn’t matter!” Frank said as he started to finish the bread he have, “That’s why we need to keep it from everyone!” I told them as sincere as fuck, though I’m really mad about what Taylor said before, I really tried to smile, avoiding not to ruin Leenna’s image to them.

“I’m sorry about what Taylor did!” Casey said. “Sometimes she really don’t know what she’s saying!” Kendra spoke placing their orders in front of them. “It’s okay!” I told them, I lied, no it’s true, I mean it’s not okay before but now it is.

Bob suddenly yawned, the yawn what Snorlax in Pokemon does, “You know guys, it’s already 12:30 in the morning and I’m so fucking tired!” he stood up and pulled Mikey’s shirt, “So girls, we’re leaving now!” Frank said, “Thanks for a nice conversation we have!” I told them, “Wait!” Kendra stopped us and took out a pen inside her bag, “Can you guys sign our cups?” she asked, giving the band the pen and the cups.

Mikey is the first one to sign. “C’mon Mikey hurry!” Bob said. Then after Mikey, Bob is the next one to sign. Then nest is Ray and Frank. “It’s such a pleasure having the three of you with us!” Ray said, “Thank you!” the three girls replied.

“I hope Gerard is here to sign your cups too!” I told them, “Yeah, you’re right, I hope he’s here!” Taylor said, yeah… but unfortunately, Gerard will never give Taylor a sign.

“Bye and thanks!!” Mikey said walking backwards just to say goodbye to the kids, I turned him around so that he could see his way to the van.

As we’re walking away from the store, the thought I was having before came back to my mind again. This band, it’s my life now, and indeed Leenna too. I can’t leave any of these two important things behind. I cannot choose. My Chemical Romance is special to me the same as Leenna too.

“Look Frank I’m sorry before!” I said, “I’ve already forgiven you, we’re a band remember?” Frank replied. Yes, Frank is right, we are a band and we look up to each other.

As they walk before me, I can see the future that someday when years have passed, we’ll all have to decide to have our own lives, have our own family, our own career, and maybe someday, My Chemical Romance is going to be just a memory. I shouldn’t have to waste these days that I’m with them, that I’m playing a song with them, writing songs with them, I need to continue this journey.

My band need to survive.

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