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Y/n  Ann(your nick name)

Your shorter than the rest of your friends

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Your shorter than the rest of your friends. You love art,skating,and you play some guitar. Your not that popular and usually hang with your friends. Your out going and willing to try anything and you also have a mild fear of the dark. You love spending time with friends and doing things because you hate feeling lazy. If you find the perfect one you'll only have eyes for them, but if you don't click you move right along. Your kinda known as a "player".

Pro-outgoing Con-player

Millie Brown(Mills)

Millie is a total fashionista but hates shopping

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Millie is a total fashionista but hates shopping. She loves getting dressed up if, she doesn't have to leave her house to do it. She sings and knows kick boxing. She really popular and friends with everyone but she mostly likes hanging out with you and the others. She's so bold and creative but has a hard time excepting herself. 

Pro- loves her friends Con- has a hard time loving herself

Sadie sink (Sades)

Sadie loves sports specifically soccer and baseball but she'll play anything

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Sadie loves sports specifically soccer and baseball but she'll play anything. She's also a really fast runner and basically good at anything. She loves the comfort of her room and the perfect night for her, is staying in binge watching her fav movies. She's sassy and will stick up for you anytime anywhere. But sometime her sassiness comes off rude. 

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