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Hi I'm y/n Elizabeth Ann and here's the story of my life. My mom was born and raised in Chicago and my dad in LA. They both met at the same collage in Georgia. They both ended up being teachers and then had me (your birthday)2000. While they were in collage they made friends with jacks parents. They both ended up moving to the LA suburbans right across from each other. Jack and I grew up together, always having play dates. Then when we were 4 we made friends with my neighbor. Her name was Sadie and her and I clicked. We became best friends instantly. We all ended up hanging out together. Then one day Jack went to the park and made friends with this new boy who moved from Canada. His name was Finn. Sadie and I met Finn through Jack. So then it was just the 4 of us. All of our parents got along well so we always hung out. That year my mom got pregnant. We were going to have a baby boy. My parents decided to name him Lucas but I gave him his middle name. His middle name was Jake. Lucas Jake Ann was going to be born in two months when we found out that he was "different" my mom told me. He had Down syndrome. The doctors tried to convince my mom to get rid of the baby to save her the trouble because Down syndrome babies sometimes don't end up making it after birth. But my parents would never do that so they decided to keep the baby. June 6, 2005 Lucas was born. I was in the waiting room with my aunt Carrie the whole time while my father was in there helping my mom. When he was born he looked weird,he looked Down syndrome, but all of my family loved him. 

Flash back....

"Mommy why is his face weird" I said while dad held him while I looked at him and held his feet. "Because he isn't like other babies but he will be amazing." She said looking tired and hooked up to these machines. "You'll be his big sister and take good care of him, right y/n" my dad said giving Lucas back to mom. "Uh huh just like I take care of Lucy!!" I say going over to pick her up. "Hi Lucas this Lucy my baby. Your my baby too!" I said hold the baby doll next to mom and Lucas. 

Flash back ends....

The next day something went wrong with his lungs. His lungs collapsed. They rushed him into surgery at 3 in the morning. They worked on him for 3 hours but his body gave up and he flatlined. My family didn't get the news till 8 in the morning. 

Flash back....

"Aunty Carrie , why are you sad" I said walking out of the living room. "Um your little brother." She was crying so hard she could barely speak. "Lucas is with god now" she said balling at that sentence. I went up to her and hugged her. "Don't be sad that's good he's with god, I mean we all want to be with god , I guess he was lucky enough to get there early." I said. I mean I was pretty wise for being so young. 

Flash back ends....

My mom went through depression and Jacks mom took care of her and Jack and I while the dads went to work. After a lot of therapy she got into art and decided to Chanel her sadness that way. She eventually got better after a few months but a mother never forgets. At the age of 5 I finally went to kindergarten. Jack and Sadie and I all got the same teacher so we all hung out. It was great. Finn was in another class but we hung out with him during recess. While Finn was in Mrs. Louise's class he made a friend. His name was Wyatt. He was really shy. We met him at recess to and he became part of our club. Then I say this boy who was in some other class. He was really cute. His name was Jaeden. He thought I was cute two and we ended up dating. But, dating in kindergarten never really counts but he became friends with us to. I remember I broke up with him because I wanted to be friends with him and my kindergarten logic was you can't be his girl friend and his friend so I only wanted to be his friend. So the 6 of us all hung out and at Wyatts birthday party we found out he lived just a street away from us and Jaeden was right next to Wyatt. That was super cool. At the age of 7 in 2 grade, Sadie and I became friends with the new girl Sophia. She just moved here and had no friends so we became her friend. She lives right next to Finn. She was in Jaedens class so they became close friends to. Soon everyone met her and she was added to our group. That next year I met this guy named Jeremy. He was really sweet. He lived like 3 house down from jack and I so we always hung out after school. That year we learned his parents were getting a divorce. Jacks parents offered to have Jeremy stay with him but Jeremy didn't want to, so we went over every day to check on him. Every time we went over to check on him, he was eating. After a week we noticed he was gaining weight, from stress eating. His parents didn't care or notice because they were to caught up in themselves. He gained quite a lot of weight and didn't stop gaining weight till after the divorce was over and settled. Jeremy decided he would stay with his mom in the neighborhood because he didnt want to lose his friends. All 7 of us now, made a pledge. We would all run around the park after school. The plan didn't go into action until 5 grade because our parents didn't want us walking without a parent. While we would go on runs around the park I usually got there first to wait for them. One day.....

Flash back....

I was sitting in the swing when I heard music. It was amazing. I turned around to see a dark skinned boy sitting on the picnic table playing the acoustic guitar. I decided since I had nothing else to do, to go and say hi. "Hi, I'm y/n, what's your name?" I said standing next to him. "Hellooooo, I'm chosen" he sung as he did a single strum. "That's a cool name" I giggled. "Your pretty good." I said. "Thank you, your pretty." Then he winked. "Wow what a flirt." Wait, omg did I say that out loud. "Hmm hahah thanks I try." He said looking at me with his really pretty eyes. "Oh um I didn't mean to say that out loud " I said blushing from embarrassment. "It's fine" he said. Everyone arrived. "Hey y/n" jaeden said from over near the swings. I put up one finger saying 1 minute. I looked back at Chosen. "Hey um we're going for a run around the park, you wanna join?" I said questioning him. "Sure" he said setting his guitar down. We walked to the group of my friends. "Guys this is Chosen, Chosen these are my friends .......

Flash back ends....

So now our group consisted of  me, Jack, Sadie, Finn, Wyatt, Jaeden, Jeremy, Sophia, and chosen. In 7 grade Chosen introduced us to his friends Noah, Caleb and Gaten. I didn't really like Caleb. He was known as "the bad boy" of the neighborhood and at school. I once caught him spray painting the side of the school.......

Flash back....

Sadie,Sophia and I all decided to go hangout at the school playground. It had a cool jungle gym our playground didn't. Sadies mom dropped us off at the front parking lot and said she was coming back in an hour. We walked to the playground and saw this guy spray painting a dog on the side of the school. "Who's that?" I said nodding my head towards the guy. "I heard that's Caleb McLaughlin..... rumor has it that he was going to spray paint the side of a school with a dog because the principle said dogs were dumb and useless" Sadie said. He had a hood on , but I saw his face. 

Flash back ends....

But really he was a cool guy. He had a soft side and loved to dance. He doesn't let anyone know because he didn't want to come off as "soft". But that next year, in 8 grade, Noah got a new girlfriend. Her name was Millie and she was perfect. Super sweet, pretty, smart, and talented. She had a British accent. She was born in Britain but they moved to LA to try and get her singing career started. I didn't really like her because she was to perfect. She was really popular and friends with everyone. I mean everyone, the nerds, jocks, and the popular girls. The ones who would bully Sadie and I because we liked playing sports and getting dirty. One time I was by myself when Georgia(the queen of the group) decided to pick on me. 

Flash back.... 

I was making my way out to the bench to go hangout with my friends because that was our designated hangout spot. "Hey ugly boy" Georgia said. It was a stupid nick name but that's what she called me. I just kept walking and ignored her. She pushed me and I fell forward. Dropping my backpack. "Stop it Georgia "I said trying to get up but she pushed me again. " wow your weak for an ugly boy" she said with her little minions , Amy and Miranda. Then something that I never thought would happen, Millie came by and spoke up. "Stop it Georgia" she said with her heavy accent. "Millie its fine we're just teaching her her place." She said looking down at me. "I said stop" she said now standing between me and Georgia. "Millie come on" "no" . "Fine join the losers" she said and pushed Millie down. Millie rolled so it didn't hurt her when she fell and kicked Georgia in the stomach while on the floor! Her little minions ran away scared and she lay on the floor with the air knocked out of her . "I really hope your not badly hurt." She said as she got up. "Come on lets go." She said extending her hand to me. "Your badass Millie , thank you so much." I said as I grabbed my backpack and we continued to walk towards the group to tell everyone what happened. 

Flash back ended....

After about 4 months of Millie and Noah dating they broke up because they both just didn't feel the spark anymore. They stayed friends and Millie was now officially part of our group. She was the last person to join our group for now. We all stuck with our group for 3 more years. We had a few people join because of boyfriends and girlfriends but they eventually left because of some reason. We're all now 16, and Finn is 17 because he has a late birthday. Tommorrow is the last day of school and next year we're going to be seniors. I can't wait, next year is our last year at hell. I can't wait!!

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