Sam x Reader- Stop Being Sad

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Well here is another horrible one-shot... I am going to warn you this talks about suicide so if that triggers you please don't read!

You were sitting on the floor crying. Why? Because you just found out that your best friend committed suicide. You promised her when you guys were younger that when she died you would go to the funeral and say 'ha I out lived you you idiot.' But when it actually happened all you could do was cry.

"Are you ok Y/N?" You heard a voice from your doorway. You turned and Steve's favorite running buddy (if you could call what he does running) Sam Wilson or the Falcon.

All you could do was shake you head and point at your phone which had the heartbreaking text on it.

Sam grabbed the phone and read that horrible text. The silence while Sam read the text was deafening even though you were still crying. Sam froze when he finished reading the message before pulling you into a hug. Sam was your other best friend he was the only Avenger who knew about Y/B/F/N and he had even met her. You remembered that day because that was the day that Y/B/F/N decided that Sam was your soulmate. Yeah you wish but back to the present. Sam got up then picked you up bridal style and laid you down on your favorite blanket that was super fuzzy. You wondered what he was doing but you were too sad to ask.

Sam started to wrap the blanket around you making you a sushi rolled up in the blanket. Then he pick you up and brought you to Tony's little in house theater and sat you on a love seat. "Give me one second I'll be back!" Sam said and he rushed off to do whatever he was going to do. When he was gone you started crying again thinking about how you were going to face Y/B/F/N's funeral, but the fuzziness of the blanket and thinking about how how Sam's arms felt around you started to also enter your mind.

"I'm back and I brought all your favorite unhealthy foods and drinks!" Sam announced proudly. "Oh and I put in some good movies. Get ready for 18 hours of HARRY POTTER!" He then added.

Sam sat down beside you then pressed play for the first movie and started almost cuddling with you. You heard a package opening. "Open up Y/N/N" Sam ordered softly. (Btw to all of you with dirty minds like mine; it was not a condom package!)

You opened your mouth not sure what to expect when you felt the taste of Y/F/C (your favorite candy) hit your tongue. You couldn't help but smile a little.

"Get ready for a drink. Crying so much can make you very dehydrated my little sushi roll." Sam said making you want to smile even more as you got ready to take a drink of whatever Sam was going to give you.

Soon Sam didn't disappoint and you tasted Y/F/D (your favorite drink). He pulled it away when he felt you nod meaning that's enough.

*Time skip to in between the Goblet of Fire and Order Of The Phoenix (for people who are not Harry Potter fans the 4th and 5th movie*

"Sam I have a question..." You spoke for the first time after hearing the news.

Sam looked slightly surprised that you talked, "And I hope I have an answer." He replied making you smile again.

"Can... Can uh... Can you go to Y/B/F/N's funeral with me I can't face it alone and she knew you and thought you were a great guy and-" You stopped as soon as you realized that you were rambling.

"Yes I can go with you. I loved Y/B/F/N as a sister and I don't want you to face it alone. I had to face Riley's death pretty much totally alone and I don't want you to feel that pain. Because yeah it hurts it will for a long time, I wish I could tell you something different but I know you don't want to hear that bull shit. I want to be here please talk to me having friends helps when you are trying to get over a death. I was close to ending it when I met Steve I know I put on a strong face but I was close to losing it. Steve and the rest of you Avengers kept me alive gave me a reason to live again." By the time Sam finished you were both in tears.

"I never knew Sam. But I promise I will talk to you if I feel low I will not take that path I don't want to hurt people like you who actually do care for me. I will always be here for you as well Sam if you feel low talk to me I am here for you no matter what because I love you and please don't try and kill your-" You cut yourself off when you realized what you said and hid your extremely red face in your blanket.

"Y/N look up I want to do something." Sam said as you looked up scared at what he was going to do. "I love you too this isn't exactly how I wanted to tell you but I guess it will do... Um can I kiss you now?" Sam asked now also blushing.

"Go right ahead." You told him right before your lips met and then you finally believed Y/B/F/N: Sam was your soulmate.


As I entered (I'm going to say heaven because it's the easiest thing to say) heaven I realized that by killing myself I probably just really hurt Y/N so I felt bad. I went to the man in charge, "Um may I look down to see my friend?" I asked when I found him.

"Yes you may go to your home and turn the T.V. to channel 12 and you will see the person you wish" he told me.

I rushed to my new home and quickly turned to channel 12. What I saw gave me a huge shock Sam and Y/N, with tear stains on their faces and food and drink wrappers sitting around, kissing. "Wow, who knew it would take my death to get them together..." I said out loud to myself.

Well here is the end to another one-shot. I'm sorry if you didn't like how I portrayed Sam in this but this is kind of how it is in real life. I know because this happened to me a close family member of mine killed themself and I did what Sam talked about but I also would cut. That was until a friend came along and saved me from killing myself. If you are having suicidal thoughts or are struggling with cutting please talk to me I want to help someone like my friend helped me.

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