Chapter Two: Pretty and Nerdy

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   Sydney had her earbuds in, the classical instruments of Beethoven blasting through her eardrums. She hummed lightly to the tune flipping to the next page of The Hobbit. Back in California, she was labeled as a loner and she was planning to carry that label into Hawkins. She would prefer her friends in the book rather than fake friends in real life.

It was in the middle of her first day and she has made no friends other than having that run in with the boy from earlier, Steve Harrington. Syd has been cautious around boys ever since she turned thirteen years old so this popular dark haired boy could not be an exception.

She furrowed her brows feeling a tap on her shoulder and looked up to see the exact boy she was thinking about. She took out one of her earbuds sighing as she closed her book. "May I help you?"

Steve smiled as he sat next to the blonde. "I was wondering why I didn't see you in the cafeteria. Why are you out here all by your lonesome?"

Sydney tilted her head with a soft smirk. "I came out here to be alone. I guess it didn't work out."

"Sorry but I wanted to get to know the mysterious girl from California."

"And I'm sorry but you won't get to know anything about me."

"Oh I have my ways," Steve teased with a wink before he chuckled. "I just want to try to be your friend. At least acquaintance."

Syd bit her lip gently although she had that lovely white smile on her lips. "You can know one thing about me and one thing only. Make sure it's a good question though."

Steve tilted his head looking down. There were many questions swirling in his head, he couldn't only ask one. He looked back to the girl, looking into her beautiful brown eyes. "Why do you read those nerdy books?" He asked although he immediately regretted it right after he asked it, not knowing if she would get hurt by his question or not.

Sydney looked down at her book and laughed a bit. "I read these nerdy books because they don't have a lot of assholes as reality does," She replied casually before standing up when the bell rang. "Now if you excuse me," She stated walking past him.

Steve quickly grabbed onto her arm before she could walk away from him. "Wait, do you want to hang out after school?"

She turned to him with a small smirk on her lips. "Only one question Harrington," She replied before getting her arm out of his grasp and walking to her next class.

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