Chapter Three: Stranger Danger

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        "Don't smoke in my car," Sydney mumbled glancing to Billy who had an aura of smoke surrounding him.

"What does it matter? This is a piece of shit car anyone," He retorted blowing a bit of smoke into her face.

She rolled her eyes and looked ahead sighing softly. Her green 1966 Ford truck was possibly her best possession and she honestly could never give it up although the majority of the time, Billy would drive her to school. The cigarette smoke began to give her a headache, memories flashing through her mind.

All she could remember is the cold and dark room where she laid, wearing nothing but her black underwear. She could hear the bidding around her, her brother's voice booming above the others. Sydney slowly opened her eyes, beginning to shake from how cold it was. "Congratulations to Ryan Lindst! You sir are the first man that gets to fuck my sister!" Billy exclaimed and chuckled when his friend paid him twenty dollars.

Sydney shook her head, a frown tugging at her lips. She relaxed when they arrived at home watching Billy get out of the car, only for Max to get in before she drove off towards the arcade. She enjoyed spending more time with her stepsister than with her own flesh and blood in all honesty. Even though the two girls were complete opposites, Max gave her a sense of comfort that the world wasn't all bad since her father never even gave a damn about her.

She got out when they arrived and glanced over feeling eyes on them. She raised an eyebrow seeing two boys around Max's age watching them before they quickly behind the car they were watching them from.

"Don't mind them, they're just stalkers," Max spoke up, following her sister inside and heading over to zoomer.

"Or, or," Sydney began following after Max, leaning against the machine. "They have a crush on you."

She only rolled her eyes. "They're stalkers," She repeated in a mumble.

Sydney smirked and looked down, running a hand through her blonde hair. "Whatever you say little Max, but just to tell you they're kinda cute and if they have a crush on you, go for it."

Max paused the game and smiled at her sister. "Just promise not to get excited if those stalkers have a crush on me."

Her smirk only widened and shrugged a bit. "No promises."

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