Inuyasha Vs Sesshomaru

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EDITED: 12.29.21

Kagome had been back in her own time for the past six days. She got tired of Inuyasha, who keeps running to that corpse of a girl more often than usual. So she came home to spend time with her mother and catch up on homework. Kagome was on her way out the door when mama tapped her on the shoulder. "Leaving?" she asked. Kagome nodded as she slowly walked out the door. "Yeah, if I don't Inuyasha will have a heart attack..." She said with a slight giggle, before sighing. 

"O-key, be safe!" Mama yelled as her twenty-one-year-old daughter ran up to the shrine and jumped back into the well. When Kagome landed at the bottom, she looked up and smiled when the bright blue sky came into view. About five years ago, Kagome fell In love with Inuyasha. But as of a year ago, she'd slowly begun to fall out of love with him and fell for someone else, someone more capable of protecting her, someone who she assumed would never share her feelings. 

She began climbing to the top of the well, as she reached the top she saw Inuyasha. Something was off, he was growling at her. "Why are you growling at me?" She asked with confusion in her voice. "Because I have chosen Kikyo and we're gonna collect the jewel ourselves!" He replied as he began to attack her. 


Sesshomaru has known The Miko for a little over three years and in that time he'd grown to like and respect her. Of course, he'd never openly admitted it to anyone. But for whatever reason, Sesshomaru was strolling near the well. And was about to pass it, when he noticed Kagome and his half-breed brother were there, but the thing he thought was odd was he smelled fear in her sent. Sesshomaru stopped as a thought came to him. 

'Why'd she fear him? She's his intended... is she not?' He then walked closer towards them, enough so he could see them clearly, without being seen. When he got there, the half-breed was beginning to attack the miko with the un-transformed Tessaiga. "Why the hell won't you transform?!" Inuyasha yelled at the sword. Kagome smiled, knowing the answer to his rage-filled question. "Because you're not protecting a human anymore..." She said, but her smile quickly faded into a frown as he spoke again. 

Sesshomaru was slightly upset but kept still and silent. "Why the hell would I protect you, your weak compared to Kikyo!" Inuyasha yelled as he dropped the sword. "I'll just have to kill you the old-fashioned way," he said, raising his clawed hand in front of his face. "With my claws!" He said as he ran towards her and was about to attack. Sesshomaru watched as a rose-pink barrier appeared around her. He smirked internally as Inuyasha tried to claw the barrier down, but failed miserably and passed out after a few hours. 

Sesshomaru could just barely smell the dead priestess, as she made herself known to the miko by shooting a silent arrow towards her. He, however, happened to see her and her bow before she planned the attack and at demon speed, moved in front of the miko. As she shot an arrow at the miko, Sesshomaru caught it between his clawed fingers and crushed it without even trying. The dead priestess glared at him. "State your business, demon!" Kikyo demanded. As the Demon Lord, stood in front of the miko she wanted to kill. 

"This Sesshomaru will not be demanded by the likes of you, wench." He growled at her. Sesshomaru used his poison whip, nearly hitting Kikyo, had she not dodged it, it'd have poisoned and killed her instantly. "That is your only warning." He said turning towards the miko, behind him. "Why'd you save me?" Kagome asked. Sesshomaru smirked at her, ever so slightly. "Simply cause this one wanted to." He said, not admitting that his inner beast was telling him to. 

Kagome stood from the well and thanked him, before leaving to find her other friends. Sesshomaru stood there for a while, looking in the direction she left. At some point the half-breed woke up and started to yell at him, threatening him into a fight. "Sesshomaru! What are you doing here? Where's Kagome?" Inuyasha growled. "This Sesshomaru's whereabouts are of no concern to you, little brother," He stated. "And as for The Miko... I believe you are not her intended anymore... so that's also of little concern to you." He glared at Inuyasha. 

"She may not be my mate or my intended, but she's still my friend." Inuyasha began. "and that makes it-" He was cut-off by Sesshomaru's hand around his neck. "If you still consider her a friend, then why did you and your mate try to kill her?!" Sesshomaru yelled as his eyes grew red with each angered word. He sniffed the air, trying to calm down some and that's when he noticed her. 'Mate is here!' his inner beast purred. 'She's not our mate.' he told his beast, smirking. 

'Though it's perfect timing, she can hear it for herself.' He thought. "Because she wouldn't give me the jewel," Inuyasha whined as Sesshomaru's grip tightened. "Did you even bother to ask her for it?" He asked with venom in his voice. Eventually feeling The Miko's anger he decided to let go of the half-breed. As Inuyasha fell to the ground, Kagome ran past Sesshomaru over to Inuyasha and smacked him hard across the face. 

"We are not friends. How could I be, when you tried to kill me over a little shard like this!?" She yelled as she pulled out a shard from her pocket. When Inuyasha had attempted to rip the shard from her, Sesshomaru pulled her back, behind him and glared at the Hanyou. "Why'd you pull her away?" Inuyasha asked glaring at her. "That's of no concern to you, half-breed!" Sesshomaru growled. 'Hm... maybe if I use my three shards on his arm, it might grow back and I can repay him for saving me...' Kagome thought as she lightly tugged on his sleeve.

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