His arm, His kiss

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EDITED: 12.29.21

Sesshomaru then turned to face her. "I need to get over to the well to get my bag, but with Inuyasha... I can't do it without you helping." She informed him. He nodded in acceptance and lifted her. Kagome was sitting on his shoulder until he stopped walking towards the well and put her down again. Inuyasha thought it was a good time to try attacking her, but Sesshomaru caught his throat with ease. When Kagome noticed Inuyasha was in Sesshomaru's grip, she took advantage of the opportunity and ran the rest of the way to her yellow bag. 

Once she picked it up, she opened it and took out a container that held the other two shards and took them out. She walked back over to Sesshomaru after she had them. "Sesshomaru," Kagome began, as he turned to face her, still holding Inuyasha with one hand. "Hm?" "I think... I... we... owe you this, but first, can you let him go?" She looked to Inuyasha as she showed the shards to Sesshomaru. He dropped Inuyasha hard to the ground. Inuyasha began to catch his breath as he sat up and caught on to what was going on. 

"This Sesshomaru needs not the help of shards to gain power, Miko," Sesshomaru said, feeling insulted and almost growling at her. "I'm not giving them to you for power. I'm giving them to you cause I think they'll help your arm grow back." She said smiling as she pointed to his stubby arm. "If you give them to him, I'll kill you Kagome!" Inuyasha growled with an empty threat. "Well that's just too damn bad, he deserves them more than you do!" Kagome said glaring at Inuyasha. 

"How? He's tried killing you more than I ever have." He growled. "He never tried killing me specifically, I just ended up in the way of him killing you!" She yelled. "What do you mean?" He asked, dumbfounded. "I mean just that. Inuyasha, don't you think if he had tried I'd already been long dead?" Kagome asked him, knowing the answer better than he did. "How do you know this?" He asked. 

"I mean he's a full Taiyoukai Lord and me, I'm just a human miko and the first time he 'tried' to kill me, he could have done so with ease, considering I had just found out I was a miko." She said tossing the shards in her hands. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were now completely and utterly surprised. Kagome then quickly slid her arm into the Taiyokai Lord's sleeve and as she did so, the shards glowed brightly and dissolved into his arm. Kagome pulled her arm out of his sleeve. 

"Miko, are you sure-" Sesshomaru stopped mid-sentence as he felt his arm pulse before it quickly grew back to match his other arm. She smiled as he checked out his arm and flexed his claws. His face was expressionless, but his eyes looked to be filled with more happiness than she'd ever seen before. Kagome smiled at this. At this point Inuyasha had left, probably to find his dead bitch. Sesshomaru, however, was so happy, he instinctively grabbed The Miko and kissed her. 

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes to look into the surprised, ocean blue eyes of the miko and realized he was kissing her. He quickly put her down and backed away a few feet from her. "This Sesshomaru apologizes for kissing you." He told her as he was about to exit the clearing. "Why?" She said, shock still written on her face and tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "This Sesshomaru knows not of what you ask Miko." He replied slightly arching his left eyebrow. 

"I'm asking why did you kiss me? I'm a filthy, weak human woman, right?" She said as tears began to slowly fall from her beautiful blue eyes. The eyes that have cast an enchantment over him... one that won't let him kill, harm, or damage her in any way since he met her. As soon as Sesshomaru saw her tears, he was at her side and wiping them away in an instant. "This Sesshomaru does not think you are a filthy, weak human," Sesshomaru said as he began to caress Kagome's cheek with his right hand. 

"You're a beautiful, strong miko. My miko." He continued, mumbling the last part. Kagome's eyes opened wide in surprise. "Y-your what?" "Nothing," Sesshomaru said, internally surprised he even spoke the last part. As he removed his hand from her face, he turned and began to walk away. "Se-Sesshomaru?" He heard her hesitate to speak his name. This time, he didn't turn to look at her but glanced at her briefly. 

"I-I want to go with you! I-If y-you don't m-mind o-of course..." Kagome stuttered and Sesshomaru could smell her nervousness, he smirked internally. "Hn," He said, not looking at her, he held his clawed hand out telling her it was ok to follow. He expected her to grab his hand or something along those lines, but no. She ran up to him, happily and hugged him from behind. "What are you doing to this Sesshomaru's back?" Sesshomaru asked the miko, looking over his shoulder at her. 

Kagome immediately released her arms from his back and blushed hard. "I w-was hugging you," she replied. "This Sesshomaru already knows that. I was asking why?" He told her. "I g-got excited, that you'd allow me to come with you..." Kagome said blushing redder if that was even possible. "I-I'm sorry, I-" She began, but Sesshomaru cut her off. "This Sesshomaru never said 'I don't like it'" She smiled at him as they continued to walk. A few hours later. It was getting late now and she could barely keep up with Sesshomaru at this point. 

"Sesshomaru?" She began to speak. "Hn?" "Could we camp in the nearest cave, I'm getting tired?" She asked. "This Sesshomaru will if you promise to add my title to this one's name.." He replied looking straight ahead. "(Yawn) I promise.." She said in a tired tone. He stopped and knelt on the ground in front of her. "Miko, get on my back. We'll get to a cave quicker." Sesshomaru said in a slightly demanding tone, had she not been so tired, she would have said something to him about it.

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