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My name is Amber Vivilleon,

I am a Senior at Davenport Ridge High School, I'm a bit shorter than average girls, around 5'0, dark brown curly hair that reaches my waist. But most people dont notice that, they just notice my two different colored eyes. My left eye is a really deep shade of brown, and my right one is a really light green. I was born this way because my parents' genes didn't work in well I guess. Anyways that's enough about me describing my looks, I mostly want to say my story.

I have two best friends, their name is Megan and Dakota. They're nothing like me, they're both very tall and have straight short hair, Megan has blond hair and Dakota has pitch black hair, they are very different from each other and always get into arguments but they both love me and push all their differences aside just for me, I couldn't ask for anybody else to be with me for my horrible high school life.  But they're are the only good things that are happening in my life. There was actually four of us. Her name is Emily.

"Why do you say was?" Is what you're probably asking, well. We stopped being friends after we discovered we had the same crush, but instead of sitting down and talking about this problem, she went ahead and slept with him.

I was so destroyed when I discovered this. Emily was my closest friend, I've practically known her all my life. She protected me from everything before, so why would she hurt me now?

To make matters worst. They're now dating. Emily and my Crush.

 My crush's name is Bryan Garcia, he's probably the cutest guy I've ever met, he's around 6'3, black hair, hazel eyes, and the most contagious smile ever. When he smiles he has these deep dimples that would make any girl fall for him, but he dates Emily. A girl who is much prettier than I ever will be.

However Bryan does have another flaw besides dating Emily, his 'twin' brother Jason. I dont even know how Bryan and Jason are related. He's an angel compared to Jason.

And Jason, where do I even begin with Jason Garcia? Well I haven't seen him in 10 years so I cant really describe how he looks now, but I can tell you what he's done to me.

It all started in elementary school, that's where I became friends with Bryan, and being friends with Bryan meant I had to be friends with Jason, or at least try to be friends.

While growing up with that devil, Jason always bullied me. Reason why? I dont know, but he always made fun of my eyes and hair. "Why are your eyes so weird?" Or "why is your hair so tangled and ugly, it looks like a tumbleweed". This went on until 5th grade when his parents sent him to military camp because he tried to cut my hair in art class. Luckily he didnt and the teacher saw, sent him to the principal's office. From there on I don't know what exactly happened, my last memory of him was him going on the bus, and sayonara to Jason Garcia, and hello freedom.

 After that my life got so much easier, for a short period of time. When his family sent him to a military school, my life was so perfect. However it didn't last long. About 3 months later my parents died in a car crash. I couldn't comprehend what happened, all I knew was that I had to live with someone who could take care of me. Since my parents weren't close to my family I had nowhere to go. So that meant my brother had to drop out of college to raise me, he was 19 at the time. Things weren't the same, at first he was very caring about me and would want to know everything about me but that all changed last year when I turned 16 and he was 25. He  came home very drunk and beat up, when I tried to help him clean up, he just shut himself in his room and ever since that day and ever since he's been very cold towards me.

But now my life can't get any worst.


Anyways lets start the story.

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