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I already thought i needed to choose once again, but then Logan texted me again

Logan:"i needed to tell you something"

Well that was easy! I texted Logan back

Mary:"cool! meet me at the park at 2. can't wait so see you💕"

Then i texted Dan

Mary:"oh.. Hey! Listen, i'm really busy today, but maybe tomorrow?"

Logan agreed. So I got up

Mary: wake up, you lazy bitch!

I push Rina and she fells down from the bed. Didn't mean to do it, but it was funny af😂I started laughing. She wakes up and laughs too

Rina: i swear. this is your last time sleeping with me
Mary: disclamer! Your floor is really uncomfortable so i don't wanna even come back

We laugh again

Mary: i need to meet Logan at 2, so i'm going home
Rina: hold up, hold up, hold up!! What are you two?
Mary: okay, i'm not gonna lie anymore.. We were together!
Rina: aaaaaa!!!!! I knew itt! Knew it, knew it, knew it!!

She was excited, then she realaizes what i said

Rina: wait! You WERE together?
Mary: yep, we decided to stay friends, but to be honest I really miss him..
Rina: then tell him! I mean you two are close, you can tell him everything
Mary: I'll try

I go home and get ready. Then I go to the park, it was near our house so i got there pretty early. I decide to play some games on my phone, before i bumped into Daniel. Shit!

Daniel: Mary?! What are you doing here?
Mary: um, chilling?

I already fucked up

Daniel: i thought you were busy?
Mary: yeah i was, but then i kinda got bored.. So i decided, to go for a walk and-
Logan: Mary!

He waved at me. Oh fuck!

Mary: and meet up with Logan!
Logan: daniel!? hey!

They did their handshake. Logan gave me the "wtf is he doing here?" look

Daniel: okay, then cya tomorrow Mary!
Mary: bye
Logan: peace!

He goes off

Logan: why did you invite him?
Mary: i didn't i bumped into him as i was walking through the park

Just FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora