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The Poseidon cabin was quiet. The only resident, The Hero of Olympus, was sleeping silently. His dreams were as peacefully as could be for one who has suffered so much, however the same could not be said for the official Architect of Olympus, in the Athena cabin. Her slumber was haunted by the things she had seen and done. There was a madness slowly crawling into her, feeding on her greatest weakness: her pride. After all she had been through, she had become suspicious of nearly everyone. Since she was the daughter of the goddess of justice, she was put in charge of all crimes. With her mother leaving her, she had been slowly losing some of her sanity along with her logic to the madness. Her trials were becoming cruel, with harsh punishments for transgressions. No one had been able to question her, living in fear of her wrath that would be ignited by her pride.

She had been like this for months, using her intelligence to act normal. She wouldn't even tell her lover, whom she valued most.

Months after the insanity had began to grow, she was nearly completely psychotic. One day, a Giant that had been forgotten about in the second Giant War appeared with a small horde of monsters. The girl immediately formed a plan, however the chances of success were small. She would not allow anyone to question, and she and her lover led the demigods to battle. The camp director, Dionysus was allowed to assist because the army was able to breach the very area where he was supposed to be protecting, however his only present son had to be refrained from fighting.
In the end, the demigods has claimed victory, however held high casualties. One the loss was the Architect, Annabeth Chase, who had died protecting a new camper from a ball of acid, throwing her body before it hit the child. Her last words were directed to her lover.

"I- I'm so sorry- y. I l- let the m-madness control me for s- so long. Promise m- me. S- say that y- you won't let it d- do the same t- thing. I- I love you. It wasn't s- supposed to e- end like th- this. W- we were g- going to be h- happy to- together. I- love you. I- love you so much."

She was not the only great hero to pass that day. Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, was also claimed by death. He was using his shadow travel abilities to help transport children to safety, and also summon skeleton warriors to fight. He was exhausting himself, a drakon killed him while he attempted to summon more skeletons.

He passed with a ghost of a smile on his face, knowing that although he would die, he wouldn't be able to see his sister but he may be able to discover where she would be reborn.

With his remains strength, Perseus Jackson led the campers to demolish the rest of the army, and killed the Giant with the help of a god.


A few weeks afterwards Annabeth's death, Percy began to lock himself in his cabin. He would still come out with a bright smile and assist campers and what not, however he began to exclude himself from social events with his friends. People began to pass tumors that he same madness that helped claim Annabeth's life was spreading to him. Of course, he would never allow this, he promised he lover that it wouldn't.

One day, he heard a group of demigods shaming his lover. Proposing that it was her fault that the camp had suffered so many casualties. Suddenly, the sea began to become unsettled, and the earth began to shake ever so slightly, a power that Percy didn't know he had. He decided that it must be something to do with Poseidon being God of Earthquakes. He approached them, shaking with energy, his head down. The demigods didn't notice him immediately, but once they did they tried to run. Percy looked up, and rolled his hands into tight fists. He wanted to bang all of their skulls together, but he didn't because he knew it was against the rules. Instead, he went over to the beach and noticed how most of the chairs that were there were flipped and the canoes were upside down. He must have let his powers grow more out of control than expected.

He quickly fixed all of the damage, and decided to return to his cabin.


The following few weeks, Percy was being avoided. Even by the seven, well, the ones at camp. He would talk to people, and they would still be nice to him of course. He was their hero, he had done so much for them that they knew that he would never do anything to harm them. It wasn't in his nature. However, there had been rumors being passed around that the madness was contagious. People had known of Annabeth's insanity after she passed, and began to fear it. She was their leader, and had the strongest mind even Chiron has ever seen. If she had gone mad after a war, how would any of them keep their sanity?

And so, some of the new campers began to fear. Fear that the madness would spread. Since Percy was always with Annabeth, they figured that there was no way that he would be sane, he suffered almost as much as Annabeth.

And so, people began to avoid him. Eventually, even the remaining seven began to avoid him, save for Leo, and Hazel. Once the Roman Praetors invited a group of demigods to come to the camp, Percy as not one of them. Which was odd, considering that he was never not invited to visit New Rome. After a few days of the rumors being passed, news of this began to reach Chiron. He too began to believe it after a few weeks. He too began to fear. He knew that Percy would be too kind to hurt anyone knowingly, but people followed his word. If he started to preach the wrong teachings... then the entire camp would be doomed.

Chiron was not sure of what to do, and so he seemed help from the gods. They suggested that they have Morpheus examine his sleeping habits, and watch his dreams. Within a month, he should report back and tell the gods of what is happening with Perseus. Until then, they should seclude him from too much activity with much campers. Chiron was put in charge of this, and was told not to tell any of the campers. If they knew that they had to check their leader for sanity, then the whole camp would go into a frenzy, wondering if everything they've done was really done for good.
And so, Morpheus began to watch Perseus.


After an entire month has passed, Morpheus approached the Olympian council. Although he was against them in the Second Titan War, the council decided to keep him since he surrendered before the main fighting started, and if he has not put the entire New York City to sleep before the battle, many humans would've been harmed in the fighting. But the main reason was this: they feared him. Even if they banished him to Tartarus, he would still contain the power to haunt them in their slumber.

Morpheus bowed, and stated his report.

"Perseus rarely enters my realm anymore, and when he does, it's often rather... unsettling. He dreams of his time in... there, the wars, and many of his friends dying, including that Chase girl who passed not that longs ago." He glanced at Lady Athena to see if she thought anything of her daughter's passing, however it stayed in the same cold expression as always.

"With his current circumstances, I would guess that he is indeed insane, however if he's not already it would be rather soon that he is. It's practically inevitable." However, this was a lie. True, Perseus has nightmares, but his sleeping schedule is almost normal, which was surprising considering his life. And his nightmares are rather unsettling, but Morpheus could tel that they were not bothering him too much. He had a strong soul, and his promise to his lover was preventing him from doing any misdeeds.

But, Morpheus hated the boy. You see, in the Second Titan War, Percy was able to pull Grover from his grasp along with Nico do Angelo. Morpheus planned on receiving information from Grover's mind for Kronos, but he couldn't. If he had, then Kronos would have a major upper hand. Percy placed his loyalty with the stayr, and with his empathy link he would be able to make Percy surrender. While Percy was pulling him out, he temporarily entered Morpheus's realm, and the god sensed his power. He could see everything about the teen, and he realized that he would not bow down. He knew then that there was no chance that the Titan's would succeed with him against them, and he surrender to the gods. And so, he decided to lie. He knew that the twin gods of truth wouldn't bother entering his mind, and so he could get away with it. The goddess of justice was slowly going insane herself, and would eventually fade. So he took the opportunity to get his revenge.

The gods believed him, and decided to leave the decision to Chiron.

Chiron, who was like a father to Perseus was the one that decided to make the terrible decision. The one that would betray Percy, and almost completely break him.

Chiron decided to banish Percy from camp.

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