Blue Candies

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Percy needed help. Desperately, although I wasn't sure what to do. He may not first appear like it with his humor, but you can tell. He stays up late at night, unable to fall asleep. He wakes up early , and covered with sweat. Hey, I only know this because he doesn't exactly sleep silently, I'm not a stalker.

He decided to refrain from visiting his mom for a while because he claimed "I'm not sure that I'm ready, I don't know why she didn't tell me why she left.... I was gone for a really long time, and I'm not sure if she really wants me back anymore."

What he didn't know was that my dad was calling his mom to keep her updated on Percy. She didn't explain everything about why he was gone though, probably wanting him to explain it. We asked her if she wanted Percy to come back.

"I, er, well um, you see I have a new born. Percy was gone for such a long time that, and probably seen and changed a lot so, well, I don't want his influence reaching her."

I was left shocked after this. She didn't even want to see him first! But she's his mother! After this, I suggested that we just stop calling her, but my dad insisted that she did want to know Percy's health and so forth.

In my opinion, if she didn't care enough to want him around, then she doesn't care enough to know his health status. She's probably only doing this to not sound like a complete bitch so we can't accuse her of child abandonment.


And so, three days passed with Percy staying with there . He insisted that he was causing too much trouble and they were being too kind, but they refused to let him go. In the end, Percy didn't really know where to go. He didn't want to stay with his mother, and it's not like his money could get him far without a job, which he couldn't contain until he had a new identity. But that couldn't happen easily with the Lights around. It was around the beginning of May, so Bailey would be done with school soon. While they were gone, Percy tried his best to look for nearby areas that offered decent jobs. But he came up with none. When he wasn't doing that, he was helping doing the laundry, dishes, etc.. He was becoming a house wife, doing everything except the cooking, which was reserved to Bailey  with his master cooking skills.

The Lights were amazing. Although, Percy knew that he had to leave soon. Before his banishment, the gods never removed his demigod scent, so there has been several monster attacks. Luckily, he tried his best to stay away from the house, leaving while Baileys at school and constantly moving from place to place to try and leave his "scent" all across Manhattan. He was been able to clean up his messes though, and the Lights let him be.

They have a mutual agreement, and they don't ask questions about his past or force him to attend school. The cops have shown up once, because Andrew did not want to have to keep him illegally. They learned about his past though, and his school records. Something Percy desperately wanted to keep hidden. And they had to contact his mother about him staying there. In the end, he was officially staying there for mental support from Andrew. They used his position as an excuse and said that "he was to help teach him to overcome his previous misdeeds and troubling attitude."

Percy was eternally grateful, and could feel himself beginning to relax, even it is slight and his stay will be diminishing.


Time Skip 15 Days

"Ooh, what about this one?" Bailed asked, pointing to a job as a dog walker.

We have been trying to look for jobs for me for the past three hours, ever since Bailey got home from school. While Manhattan may be a big city, finding a decent job proved to be EXTREMELY difficult.

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