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We were all in the back, so we were some of the last ones to leave the stadium since we stayed back to help clean up a bit. I was used to this kind of work, it wasn't uncommon for people to leave their things at the amphitheater and cleaning up, or else the Harpies, nymphs, and satyrs would get mad. Or eat it all up. Either way, not fun to be there when that happens. We divided up the work, and were able to get a decent amount done before calling it quits. It was calm out.

On our way out, Elise started to laugh at something Bailey said, but I wasn't listening. I was too deep lost in thought. I liked it here. I was happy. No, that wasn't the right word. I could never truly be happy without Annabeth. No, I was peaceful. I liked it here. And that was something I haven't felt in a VERY long time. There was little of anything, almost no petty drama, and almost no monsters. Life for a demigod and for me was about as good as it was going to get.

And we just so happened to run into Nancy with the half of the football team on our way out. Great. They probably had to do some cool downs after the game. She sneered at as and whispered something in her boyfriend's ear before the team came at as. He was doing a light jog, and was covered in sweat.

"What the hell did you think that you were doing to Nancy?" He seemed pissed. Very, very pissed. I scowled. As if I'd ever want anything to do with that little whore.

"What did I do? That slut made fun of Elise simply because she's hotter than her!" And suddenly he wasn't the only one mad. And what was even his deal? It's not like Elise, Bailey, or I did anything wrong. Nancy started it.

After that, he lunged at me fists bared. I laughed and side stepped. He stumbled, but regained his balance. He stood a few feet away from all of us for a second.

"Look, I didn't want a fight. I'm sorry for whatever trouble I may have caused, but if you can get your girlfriend away from Elise that'd be great." He grinned in seeming triumph.

"So you admit that you hit on Nancy?" I sighed, rubbing the bridge between my eyes.

"No, I would never go that low."

He lunged, but this time at Bailey, who had Elise behind him and was watching the scene in shock. This guy's a coward. He can attack me all he wants, but attacking my friends is a WHOLE different topic. I gave up on trying to be the nice guy. I shoved him down, and when his friends started to come at me a few with knives, I started a full on fight. I was dodging quickly and managed to disarm the guys with knives and take them. No, I did not stab them but I'd better not take risks. The worst I did was punch and kick a few. And possible judo flip a few. And may or may not have knock some unconscious. Nancy stood back looking horrified, but then suddenly and her entire demeanor changed completely. She smiled in triumph as a passing but stranger came. She screamed.

"Look, Look, this guy came at the entire football team with knives! He's probably trying o kill them! Help us!"
I was basically on fire with rage. Enough was enough. But then something unexpected happened. The guy turned into a fracking monster. His eyes began to flicker, before bending permanently into a single one. A cyclops, and not the good kind. Nancy started to walk away thinking that I was done for, but the Cyclops shoved her down and hit her with a mace. Hard. I'd guess she's dead. Fudge sticks, this isn't fun. Suddenly, several others began to arrive. Where did they come from?

"Shit," I muttered as the football players either began to run away realizing that I was probably "wasn't even worth the trouble."

From a few meters away, I could hear Bailey gasp but Elsie just look completely confused. I mean, not that she looked normally confused seeing how she could've just witnessed a murder, but normal traumatized. I sighed. Bailey could see them. Made sense, seeing how much he reminded me of Apollo at times. He was a demigod, or perhaps just a mortal who can see through the mist. Either way, this wasn't going to be fun explaining.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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