Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Same day

Zavier and Isha had been on the plane for an hour now and they were both ready to just lay in their hotel bed and go straight to sleep.

"Baby, I have to use the restroom." Zavier mumbles into Isha's ear whom was also half asleep.

"Okay baby." She after groggily before drifting back off.

Zavier walked to the restroom and handled his business. On his way back he dropped his headphones and some little guy picked them up. "Thank you young man." Zavier smiles at the little boy than looks at his mother.

Zavier's eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he spotted Tisha. Tisha is his brother's ex-wife Who tried to sleep with him.

"Well hello Zay." Tisha speaks.

"Hey, who's kid?" He ask curiously.

"Not your brother's if that's what you are implying." She says bluntly.

"Good. Enjoy the rest of your flight. Thanks again little guy." He says before walking off.

Zavier sat back into his seat next to Isha and kissed her cheek. "I just saw my brother's ex." Zavier says lowly.

"Really? What happened?" She mumble and rub over Zavier's waves.

"Well nothing much other than she had a little boy with her and I asked her if he was my brother's she said no. So I took her word for it, but I am debating if I should tell my brother about our run in or not..." Zavier responds.

"Hmm, well let's not worry about that right now. When we go back home you can discuss that with him baby." She says while checking her phone.

"I'm not worried about anything, other than making my baby happy." He whispers softly. Isha blushes and kiss his lips gently.

"I love you." She mumbles.

"I love you too." He responds happily.

At the hotel

"Everything is so beautiful! I haven't been here since I was 10 years old." Isha says as Zavier locks the hotel room door.

"Yes, everything is so bright. This is my first time here in 12 years so I'm excited." Zavier smiles and sat their bags down near the kitchen area.

"Are you?" She whispers softly and caress his shoulders.

"Yes, I am. Let's take a shower and lay down until the morning though baby." Zavier kiss her cheek then her neck.

"Okay, come on." Isha blush and walk towards the bathroom. Zavier bit his lip and slowly followed behind her while he admired her curves and how that ass jiggled with every step.

"Mm!" He slap her ass hard and groan out.

"Ouch!" She hiss and rub the spot. "Stop messing around." She says bending over to start the water in the jacuzzi.

"I'm not playing." He come up behind her and place himself right against her ass.

"Well, whatever little boy." She mumble and lean up.

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