Prologue: My Story

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Hello guys and welcome to my first ever story book thing... IDK but yeah i wrote this in memory of Jonghyun who passed away on the 18th of December, 2017 and it was very traumatic.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story, even if it really sucks, and sorry if my grammar sucks... BTW, italics means that it's a flash back🤩


Your POV:

Hello! My name is (Y/N) and I am a 20 year old girl, living in Seoul, South Korea. Well you see, I was having a nice, wonderful  dream about my favourite KPOP Group, SHINee but unfortunately, the alarm rang continuously, causing me to forget about the awesome dream and turned off the annoying thing. I sleepily stretched my arms and slowly, opened my (Your Eye Colour) eyes. Today was just a normal day, for a 20 year old.

I am jobless, I am broke and I am trying to find a job that suits me. My previous job was terrible because the stupid boss was bossy and stupid, in general, and my co-workers were idiots but I quit so it doesn't matter anymore. I quietly yawned as I got out of my warm, cosy bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a cold shower. The cold, icy water was very refreshing that I stayed in the shower for a long time. After I finished, I quickly grabbed my fluffy, snow-white towel and fully dried myself.

I soon walked out of my bathroom and sat down in front of my desk, where my make-up was stored and I applied very light make-up, with light pink eye shadow. Feeling proud of myself, I sprinted like an athlete to the kitchen to cook some breakfast and I decided that I would cook pancakes because they were easy to make and definitely delicious!

The aroma of the pancakes flew through the air, filling the house with the smell of heaven. I eventually dig into my tasty breakfast, closing my eyes with satisfaction and accomplishment but something was bothering did I end up like this? Living alone with no-one, being alone. I began to process my past in my head...


"(Y/N), why are you so pathetic? Nobody likes you and do you know why... it's because you are ugly and dumb. Your father would be so disappointed and he probably died in that car accident, on purpose, BECAUSE OF YOU!"  Mother screamed loudly that it nearly broke all the windows in your house.

A few weeks ago, father died in a car accident, making you depressed and angry but it also changed sweet mother into a hatred witch. Yes, Mother wasn't always like this. She always cared for me, along with father, before he died  and he was a kind gentleman so your family was always happy and cheerful but it all changed.

She always blamed everything on me. She hurts me. She hates me. I wanted to run away... to run away from this hellhole but where would I stay... I've got a job recently but I hate it there as well... The boss hates me. My co-workers hate me. No-body loves me. Gee... I've not even got a friend.

"WHY ARE YOU NOT REPLYING, YOU BRAT?" Mother screeched and punched me in the face. Blood started pouring down like a waterfall, from my nose, and I just stood there, emotionless and scared as she looked at me with hatred.

"That's it...I can't take it anymore! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND LIVE SOMEWHERE FAR FROM HERE!" Mother shouted angrily and stormed upstairs, slamming the bedroom door as hard as she could. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I smiled. I was getting my freedom but where would I stay? I could stay with my cousin but she'll probably kick me out because she hates me  and she has a boyfriend so it wouldn't really work out.

Suddenly, I remembered something...
I kept a bunch of cash in my drawer so that witch wouldn't steal it, since she would steal all my money of she knew, so I sprinted as quickly as possible, well for me, to the drawer and stealthily deposited the cash into my purse. I counted how much money I had in my purse...

"2137000000...that's enough to afford a place to stay (I made the amount up and if you guys do not know what '₩' means, it means won, which is the Korean currency)"I whispered happily as rushed to pack my belongings and to wash my face and nose. After a few minutes, I was ready to leave this life behind and live a new one. I began to walk out of the house, that belonged to the devil, and into a new life so I called the taxi (like wave to them or like make a sign to stop) and it pulled over.

I swiftly opened the yellow and white door, got inside and closed it.
"Where would you like to go, Miss?" questioned the taxi driver. I decided to live in Seoul to begin a new life.
"Please may I go to Seoul to buy an apartment for me to stay in." I quietly said as I put my seatbelt on.

"Ok. Let's go!" the driver exclaimed excitedly as he nodded his head. He soon turned on the radio, letting me listen to songs that I have not listened to before. A couple of minutes after entering the taxi, a new song was playing and I was nodding my head up and down, enjoying the music.

The first person who sung, had I soft, unique voice and it felt like he had released a solo album. The next person sounded calm, kind and wiser than the first person and he had a However, I did not know the singers and the song title, which made me wonder who they were.

You heard a soft chuckle in front of you.

" It looks like you are enjoying this band and this song. It looks like you're a fan!" the driver happily said as he kept on driving. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I was never good around people. I guess I am antisocial and shy...Very shy.

"Umm... Actually, I don't know this song and singers. Well, you see, music wasn't aloud in my house since I was six years old. I know, it was stupid. I don't know why though..." I calmly said as I looked at the driver's deep, brown eyes in the mirror. A few seconds of silence passed by and I started to worry.

"Did I say anything wrong, Sir?" I cautiously questioned the driver. The driver's eyes widened in surprise.

"No, Miss. It's just that these people are very famous. You probably want to know their name. Am I correct?" exclaimed the taxi driver as he turned left. I hesitantly nodded at the question. "Well, Miss, this song is called (A SHINee song you picked) by a band called SHINee." replied the driver.

"SHINee..." I whispered under my breathe. I hastily grabbed my phone out of my pocket and typed the name into YouTube. The results came up and your eyes widened. Their song has gotten many views so far and the thumbnail looked quite appealing to you so you took out your headphones, plugged it into the phone and tapped the video. This song is called Replay and the sight of the graphics made me cringe a little.
"So...this video must be old but other than that, they look so cute." I thought as my eyes sparkled with excitement and this was how I got into SHINee....


I snapped back into reality, the present. I felt so happy that my life is better than the one I had because that was terrifying and depressing. I happily jumped out of my comfy, leather chair and began to wash the dishes full of grease and honey. After a while, I exited my apartment and I walked towards the spot, where I perform to earn money, but I would soon know that I would have a surprise waiting for me, in the future.... This is how my story began....

A Life With SHINee (SHINee X Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now