Chapter 4: Wanna hang out again?! (Onew)

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Yay! I'm not dead and I am finally uploading. Jesus, is this world ending?


I was about to shout his name until, he noticed and ran up to me, looking like a lost child running towards their mother.

"Hi, (Y/N). It's great to see you in person again." Onew said happily and out of breath as he patted your left shoulder.

"Same! It's great to see you, Jinki-oppa. Anyways where are we going?" I exclaimed as I gave him a small hug because I like hugs. He slightly flinched as I hugged him but I shrugged it off.

"I was thinking... that we could go to the beach. The weather is great so that's why I thought of it." Jinki quietly said as he cutely blushed.

Hmmm why are his cheeks turning pink. Does he have a fever? Oh no... it because of me? Probably not...

I was in a deep thought that I didn't realise that Onew was talking to me. He looked so cute that I could squish his cheeks and kiss them. However, that isn't gonna happened because why would anyone date me?

"(Y/N), are you ok? Is there something wrong." Onew said worriedly, snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

"Oh nothing is wrong. But are you sick, or something? Why are your cheeks really pink?" I questioned.

For some reason, Jinki was flustered when I mentioned this but he just said that the weather was quite hot so he's really warm. I nodded to this answer.

"Anyway, let's go before it gets too dark." Jinki exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and lead me to his car.

As he touched me hand, I basically nearly died because... he touched me hand. The holy hand of an angel!


The drive to the beach was full laughter, with Onew telling very weird dad jokes that kinda made me laugh, only some though. However, at one point in time, it was quite silent. A comfortable silence. Sometimes, I even caught him looking at me, making me turn to face him. He then quickly turned his attention to the road and with this action, it made me giggle silently.

The scenery around us was beautiful, with pink, delicate cherry blossoms falling off the tree branches and the blue sky was puffy and looked like candy floss. It's been a while since I've seen this kind of scenery because I am broke after all.

Many minutes later, we finally arrived to the destination, the beach. As it was a hot day, Jinki took us to a small, sandy and quiet beach, surprising me as there was only a couple of people on this beach. At this time of year, many people would come here. The reason I know this is because I have read many magazines and articles about this famous beach.

However, I didn't mind. In fact, I was happy in fact.

"(Y/N), let's play in the water first, and then go eat some delicious food! I am excited." Jinki-oppa said as he jumped up and down, looking like a kid.

"Ok, oppa. Hehe you look like a kid." I chuckled.

"Come on. Let's have some fun, (Y/N)." Onew shouted, running into the ocean waves. Jeez, he really is like a child but I find it so adorable!
I ran after him, chasing him into the emerald-green sea but suddenly, he stopped and stood still for 10 seconds. Umm.. was he alright?

"Jinki-oppa, are you alright?" I said, moving towards him, nearly touching his forehead seeing if he had fever.

He suddenly pulled me into the water, wetting my clothes and most importantly, MY HAIR.
"Oppa! That was mean." I faked cried as I splashed even more water onto him, making him look at me, with sparkles in his eyes. At that time I didn't know what that meant but I do now.

I looked at his figure. I am agnostic but God has sent a perfect man down to earth. Him covered in water, made him look even more handsome and kinda... ummm.. sexy????! Anyways, he still looks so cute though, which is very nice.

After playing on the beach for an hour, we went to go get food because we were starving and you know Onew, he loves food.

"What should we get. Maybe this and mayb- omo! Look at that! That looks so delicious. Let's get it. This is so delicious, (Y/N) here have some."

This is all what Onew said during our food time. But you know, this is Onew and we cannot change him.

Time Skip

So, it was the end of the day, Jinki and I finally decided that it was time to go. I felt kinda sad because I may never see him in person again but it's ok. He drove me back to my house because I told him to drive me there and bid him a sad goodbye.

However, as I turned to enter my small apartment, I felt a hand gently grab my wrist. I turned around to see Onew holding it.

"Umm, (Y/N).. do want to go out again?" Jinki said shyly, looking at the ground.

"Are you asking me on a date?" I teasingly said.

"No! Yes! I don't know but... do want to hang out with me again?" Onew questioned.

"Sure! I have nothing better to do!" I said with a slight blush on my face. I was so excited that he asked to hang out again because I am kinda lonely. Hanging out with Jinki-oppa will be more fun.

"Ok! That's good. It's dark now and you need to sleep and so do I. I had lots of fun today (Y/N) but I am going now. Goodnight (Y/N)" Jinki said as he gave me a small hug and walked away.

"Bye oppa!" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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