I hate titles

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Ritchie~ "Wass that? Wass this? Wass this? I don't eve-in know. Wass this? Wass this? It's a Disney song you know."


Ritchie~ "Bada-boom. Bada-boom. Realist guy in the room."


Panda~ "Fred! Protect me, Fred. Protect me, Fred! PROTECT ME!" (Fred is the teddy bear)


Panda~ "Oh my god how much health do you HAVE!? Die. Die! DIE! I used half of my swords durability just to kill you! GAHHH!"


Michael~ "I need a  piece of Klaw-Klawbelstone." (I think that's what he said. IDRK)


Panda~ "Aren't you a genius Sherlock Homes!"

Ritchie~ "I know things 'cause I am smart." (You're British and you don't know how to English. ;)


Panda~ "We got coper! We can make pennies! Whoo!"

Michael~ "Technically pennies are made of zink."

Panda~ "Pennies!"


Panda~ "See we try to do cool things with Mario then he just- just be-becomes an idiot! Mario. Come on that's my job!"


Panda~ "Dad! Dad's! Mom! wait where are you guys? Oh, you're over here. Dad! Dad! Dad! Da! Da! Da! Da! Da! Da! Da! Hi!" 

Ritchie~ *Hits him with an ax.*

Panda~ "Whow!" *Smacks Ritchie with a piece of steak* "Mery Christmas!" *Gives him 2 rotten flesh*


Michael~ "That scene of Richie saying "I'm right here", and Auston's just screaming 'Where are you?', right next to him. Into his ear."

*Alarm goes off mid-recording*

Panda~ "Oh it's time to wake up!"

Michael~ "I may have found a-" *Laughs in realization* "Yeah it's time to wake up."

Panda~ "Oh there's my alarm too!"


Michael~ "Man we're gonna have all that steak and mashed potatoes and you're gonna be like, Yeah, I got my ramen cooked."


Panda~ "This dude has explosive arrows! Mom help!"

Michael~ "I ain't gonna help you no more boy."


Ritchie~ "I need to make a Pick ack."

Michael~ "Pick ack."

Mario~ "Here you go."

Book 1: Best quotes of the DreamTeam (And mabby others)Where stories live. Discover now