That's how you explained it!

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Ritchie~ Hey guys what's going on guys my name's Ritchie, and today I'm back with the DREAM TEAM!
Michael~ *Coughs awkwardly*
Ritchie~ Hi
Austin~ Who?


Ritchie~ They haven't even seen us like this before, because now everything we've done since we came back was a roleplay. So now we're-
(Michael & Ritchie at the same time)
Richie~ actually talking to you guys as the dream team.
Michael~ Everything we've done since we've come back has been one thing.
Ritchie~ Yup.
Austin~ We've done one thing.


Austin~ If it makes you feel any better my screen is frozen because I'm reloading sounds.
Ritchie~ How do you reload sounds?
Michael~ f3 S.
Austin~No f3 and T now. They changed it.
Michael~ Why!?
Ritchie~ Oh, mine's frozen too.
Michael~ Why would you do- Why would you freeze- *Laughs*


Michael~ Flippin' five brain cells over here let's go.
Ritchie~ Hey. Hey! HEY!
Austin~ Only has three chromosomes for five brain cells.


Ritchie~ Welcome to Advent of Ascension. 
Michael~ Oh yeah, that's right. Yo-you found this thing, didn't you?
Austin~ Only took us a minute and a half to say the name of the series.
Ritchie~ Welcome to Advent of Ascension.
Michael~ I tried to but then he froze his screen.


Ritchie~ Imagine World of Warcraft but it's like Stargate.
Michael~ What!?
Austin~ I got a diamond.
Ritchie~ What are you saying what that's how you explained it. Yuh' doofus. 
Michael~ That's a terrible way to explain it 'cause then you'd have to know what both World of WarCraft and Stargate are.


Michael~ Oh god. Alright uh if you hadn't already disabled auto jump because it's already annoying.
Ritchie~ Michael, I'm not an idiot
Michael~ Shut up.
Ritchie~ Okay so- Wait you took all the stuff from the chest?
Michael~ *Laughs*
Austin~ Yeah I got a rune- uh carved rune of stave.
Ritchie~ Give me that it's important. 


Michael~ OHHH! Guys I got a level! I got a level!
Ritchie~ A level of what?
Michael~ Uhhh. Whatever the farming one is. I don't remember.
Austin~ wait how do you- What there's like skill levels?
Michael~ Yeah! There's like skill- Kay there's like an infant level of skills, so let me see if I have-
Austin~ Is there like a mining one? 'Cause I just chopped down a whole house.
Michael~ There is one for breaking logs. there's one for mining.
Ritchie~ Hit delete.
Michael~ Hit delete?
Ritchie~ Hit delete. Press the delete key.
Michael~ WHOO- Okay so I got anima.


Austin~ Did I get levels for anything?
Michael~ Oh, okay so-
Ritchie~ Um, you probably have some for expedition.
Michael~ Yes. So expedition is leveled up by specifically only by sprinting.
Austin~ How do I- oh alright.
Michael~ So just sprint.


Michael~ Oh I-I found something it's new it's prih-de. 
Ritchie~ Where are you?
Michael~ I'm in a cave.
Austin~ I'm chopping a house down.
Ritchie~ How did you get in a cave?
Michael~ There's a hole like right next to the village.
Ritchie~ Oh I see.
Michael~ Hey bud!

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