Let there be death

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Michael while Ritchie is losing his mind in the background~ *calmly* Hello guys how are you doing? Hope you guys are doing great. 'Cause it is-
Austin~ That is not the signature intro.
Michael~ -great to do great. *laughs and clears throat* Sorry.
Austin~ I do not want to hear the slowed-down version.
WELCOME Back to, Advent of Ascension!
Ritchie~ Much better.
Michael~ Everybody caught that one.


Michael~ By the way Austin actually does all the sound effects for the new Sonic film coming out.
Austin~ Yeah I do. Gottagofast!


Michael~ Wait if they based the model of Sonic after Austin can he sue for deviation?


Michael~ Anyways what are doing? What are we doing today dad?
Ritchie~ Right well.
Michael~ Wait can we kill more chickens with legs?


Austin~ You still have no defining features.
Michael~ That's my feature. No defining features.
Ritchie~ *Walks away* But we have to find-
Michael and Austin~ *Laugh*


Ritchie~ *Chaotic noises of gibberish* The-the faces! Why so many eyes!?
Michael~ Ummm.
Austin and Ritchie~ *Laugh*
Michael~ I'm scared.
Austin~ Now you gotta read the whole thing like that.


Michael~ We're professional voice actors by the way.


Ritchie~ May Krasun bless you. For your soul will never be the same again.
Austin~ But I didn't sneeze yet.
Michael~ *Clearly fake* Ha-chu.


Michael and Austin~ We ballin'
Austin~ Who just shot me?


Austin~ Am I helpful?
Michael~ Yees sir.
Austin~ I'm getting mixed signals here.


Austin~ That was my brain trying to figure out what I am to you guys.
Michael and Austin~ What are we?
Ritchie~ Nothing.


Ritchie~ Okay it's built.
Michael~ Oh wait, what?
Austin~ Wait, Optimus?


RItchie~ In we go!
Michael~ Wait we're going into the nether!?
Ritchie~ Yup.
Austin~ Bye Michael.
Michael~ No! Wait for meeee!
Austin~ Bye Michael. Bye, Michael. IF I EVER GET TELEPORTED!


Michael~ Oh guys is this the outside? OH NO! NO-HO-HO!


Michael~ We can craft a lot of lamps a metal tub.
Ritchie~ Yay tub!
Austin~ I always wanted a tub. 

Book 1: Best quotes of the DreamTeam (And mabby others)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن