The Neverending Battle

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It's a never ending battle,
A battle against yourself,

A battle that comes without a warning,
A battle you must win one more time.

One moment everything makes sense and you're ok,
And then it hits you like an unexpected punch to the gut,
And you begin to fight,

You begin to chant, "no no not, not going there!"

ut it drags you, and it crawls inside, and it begins to fill you.

It's a thief, and it steals everything good you have going,

nd it feels like a million tiny needles stabbing you in the chest,
And you want to rip out your heart,
And you want the thinking to stop, no more thoughts,

Please God, no more thoughts, no more pain,

nd no more feelings, please let it all stop.

You want the feelings to end,
And you look in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself,
And you hate the feelings, and you hate yourself for feeling that way,
A million thoughts of contradictions running through your head.

And you try to go about your day like a robot, if you can even manage that,
Going through the motions, because seating still makes it worst,

Because if you stop, you're afraid it will win,
And your internal battle doesn't stop there,
You want to give up but you also want to win.

And you feel like you're drowning ina sea of emotions and thoughts,
And the darkness is creeping in, all around you,
Opening its welcoming arms,
But it lies to you my dear friend, its a bottomless empty hole.

Reach out, call out, scream out, let the others hear you,

ou can win the battle, you have before,
Many many times before,
Take the power back, you are stronger than it,
Don't let it kill the beautiful person you are.

And when you feel like you are losing the battle, take my hand and I'll fight with you.

You are not alone.

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