You Don't Know...Unless You've Been There.

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You don't know what hurt is until...

Hurt is all you feel and it consumes you.

You don't know what living in darkness is until...

Darkness is all that surrounds you and you don't see a way out.

You don't know what heartache is until...

Your heart has been ripped out from your chest and emptiness is all that is there.

You don't know what broken is until...

You've had to pick up every shattered piece of your soul from the dirt and put it all back together.

And if you KNOW...

If you've been there...

I salute you, Strong Survivor.

They broke you, but you didn't stay down.

You've fallen, and you've gotten back up.

It might not be the last time...You've learned though.

You've continued, You are here, and You Are Not Alone.

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