Power of Your little Friends

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A ode to my teddies:

They are always there when I need them,

They wrap me in their arms,

When I'm down,

when I'm sad, when I'm numb,

When I'm anxious or when I'm confused,

When I'm feeling useless,

Or when I just need a hug.

They are my best friends,

Always at my beck and call,

They hug me tight and bring me comfort,

And I'm never alone.

They help me sleep,

And give me cuddles,

I can tell them anything,

Things no one else knows.

They know my fears and my joys,

They know me well, scars and all,

And thought they might be a little worn,

They never get old.

They watch over me,

They have my back,

And they hold onto memories,

Better then anyone else.

Some say I'm a too old for teddy bears,

But what do they know?

My teddy bears are always there for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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