Harry Hart

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Contains some swearing - but they're quotes from the film

Eggsy, Merlin and I were the only remaining members of Kingsman. If I'd been at my house at the time the missiles struck Kingsman property I'd have been dead. Thankfully, Merlin had invited me over for dinner to discuss gifts for Eggsy. His first year of being at Kingsman was about to come to a close and I had figured that, because he'd been fairly close with my husband Harry and also happened to be a friend of mine, a gift might be nice. If he hadn't have done that I'd have probably been dead.

"Eggsy... darling there is only one thing we can do."

"What is it?"

"We go shopping." Merlin finished for me. I gave him a small smile before I take both Eggsy and Merlin by the hand. Both men with a look of confusion on their faces. I know that I should be upset also, but I had to be strong for the both of them. I hate to even think about it, but if Eggsy and Tilde had waited another night to have dinner with the family, and Eggsy hadn't moved out, he would've lost everything... Everything like I had. Harry was my everything.

I was overseas working off the grid trying to get information about a biochemist designing a new bioweapon to use against the world. Wiping out billions of people in order to 'save the world', it reminded me of Harry. It was his last mission, and quite frankly I couldn't bear to think about it. I'd spent countless hours of trecking through the wild, manoeuvering my way around countless security cameras and wildlife; only to hear my husband's soothing voice be interrupted by the all-to-familiar crack of a gunshot. All of the other Kingsman agents had taken his death well but I hadn't. I'd spent practically my entire life with him, and to lose him all too soon killed me. I knew that if I was in his shoes, he'd never be able to live with himself; and neither can I. To my surprise, I've never seen my suit practically change colour like it had that night... I just hoped it could be washed and look like new or else Merlin and Carter would kill me.

"Y/N?" I turned around and looked at Eggsy. "Look I know that look, you've got to stop thinking about that day. Don't try to deny it either Y/N. Look, I just wanted to say that we're here for you... and we've also arrived at our destination. Merlin just wanted to make sure you were with us before we went inside." I gave the two a nod before walking through the door Merlin held open.

After about three hours of drinking away our problems, Eggsy notices our logo inside the bottle of Statesman Whiskey. I down my glass while Merlin mentions something about chicken. I let out a giggle before I start feeling sad again. Oh, how I wish to drink one more drink with my loving husband Harry. Eggsy and Merlin look over across the table at me again with saddening eyes. They know that when I get drunk enough, I lower my guard and those bittersweet memories would resurface.


Never in all my life did I ever think that I would see him again. The love of my life. My ties had already been cut and I sat there; on the plastic chair watching my husband through blurry vision, throw himself off of Eggsy. It was only at that moment that I realised it was real. That this wasn't a dream. I raced into the room he was in and slowly made my way towards him. He looked at me and smiled, embracing me in a hug. When I'd been told that he may not remember anything, I was shocked that he'd remember me... but how much of me he remembered was a question I dreaded asking.


"Y/N! I thought you were going to Scottland to see your grandparents. Why are you here?" My heart shattered again into the tiniest of pieces when I heard this. He didn't remember... He'd forgotten everything that's happened over the past 25 years of being together. Harry then looked down at my hand and saw the gold band that decorated my ring finger. "Why didn't you tell me you'd gotten married?" Eggsy and Merlin exchanged a look before Merlin said something about needing to have a private word with Eggsy. I sat down on Harry's bed and motioned for him to join me.

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