*Sigh* Does the Universe Hate Me??

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Andy POV

I plop down face first onto my couch and toss my back at the table next to me. I sigh. I should've known something like this was gonna happen. I knew I shouldn't have gotten this attached. But he makes me feel a feeling I have never felt before. UGGGHHH! I have an internal argument for what feels 5 minutes, but then my phone rings and it was like 6. Jeez! I pick up the phone and it's Peter.

"Hey Peter," I say emotionless.

"Hey Andy."

"Why are you calling me?" I say annoyed.

"Ned and I were wondering why you left school in such a rush" he asks concerned.

"I just wasn't feeling well," not wanting to tell him the truth, like how do you tell your best friend that you are in love them??

"Ok," Peter replies sadly through the phone,"I guess that means you won't be going to Liz's house for the party"


Peter sighs,"I really wish you could come, but I don't want to force you to come. I'll check in on you after the party ok"

"OK" I hang up the phone. I decide that I'm not going to spend the rest of the night sulking in my own depression, so I head out in my .

I stop some petty thefts and not to be corny and all, but I did save a cat from a tree in front of this old lady's house. She was nice and gave me a pie, which was delicious! I make my back to my place, until I see a blinding light through the trees. I make my over to the sight of the blast. I sneak around the corner waiting for the best moment to strike. I hear what I think is some little girl, then I realize that it is just Peter/Spiderman. I decide to help the poor chap out. I am able to knock one of the guys, but the other gets away. (A/N: Now I don't remember this scene as well, so there will be some things that different from movie I changed to fit my story. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

Spidey shoots a web to the end of the truck and is it getting pulled along with it. I run with them for as long as I can. Once I get tired I shoot my grappling hook and into the back door of the truck. I pull myself inside the truck. I punch of the guys in the jaw knocking him out cold. Spider-man soon enough is able to get inside with me. Amateur! I push the man's head into the steering wheel leaving him with the same fate as his associate. I realize that what I did was pretty stupid because I don't my driver's license.

"Uhhh, Spidey." I ask nervously trying to control the van, "Do you know how to drive??"

"Nooooo, do you?!" He asks frantic.

"No, so hold on tight" I say. I see him gripping the side of the van. There was a sudden thud on the roof of the car. I jump in my seat causing me to lose control and crash the van. I see Web-head standing up with barely any scratches, unlike me who is covered in bruises and cuts. I struggle to get to my feet. I see this man in a winged begin to fight against Spider-man. I help him out by throwing some bombs at him, which was a bad idea. He whips he head to face at me and charges at me. I shoot at him. It was pointless, his armour was protecting, nonetheless I still shot at him. He picks me up the shoulders with his 'talons'. He drops into a nearby tree. I land on my back hard. Hearing a crack, I look at my arm to see it twisted in a way that is unnatural. The man looks at me and tilts his head.

"Remember who did this to you," He says opening his mask, "The vulture and don't forget it"

I spit in his face, holding my arm throbbing in pain. He wipes away the spit and flies away with a deadly look in his eyes. I analyze the condition I'm in and if I don't make it home quick then I will be in worse pain. I hope Peter is okay. I make my way back to my apartment and take a shower. When I finish taking a shower, I am able to bandage myself up, which ended with me looking like a mummy. I was too lazy to get my pjs I get back on my uniform, just without my uniform. Looking at the way my arm ended up, I unfortunately had to put my shoulder back it is socket. I bite my lip trying to hold in my screams. I fall back down on my couch. I call Peter to make sure he is okay. He doesn't answer the phone. SHIT! I knew that I shouldn't have left him. Damn it!! After calling him countless times, I fall asleep on the couch too tired to walk over to my bed.

Peter POV

After my heated battle with Vulture I go and check on Andy, like I promised. I walk into her apartment drenched in water after being dropped into some body of water. Anyway, I see Andy asleep on the couch. She looks so peaceful and vulnerable, which is a side I never get to see of her, except when she was singing on her roof. She was covered in bandages and was wearing Blaze's uniform??? WTF?? I don't wake her up, but I just have to. I sigh a bit too loud. She stirs in her sleep, fluttering her eyes to see me. She looks startled.

"P-P-Peter, What are you doing here?" She asks nervous looking at clothes and then muttering something under her breath.

Andy POV

WTF!!!! What am I going to tell Peter?? He noticed my uniform. SHIT! He probably already knows I'm Blaze. Damn it! Why does the bad stuff always to me!

A/N: I felt like publishing again instead of doing homework! XD

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