The Keyword Here is Stealth

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~A/N: I WATCHED THE IMPOSSIBLE!!! I am a glass case of emotion! Tom Holland deserves a mf OSCAR!! goddamn! Y'all need to watch that movie. It is an amazing, but WARNING: tears will be shed, so grab the tissues!! But thats besides the point, it is great. I truly recommend it, if you have an dying love for Thomas Stanley Holland like this chica, then go ahead. If not, still watch it because yeah~

Andy POV

We jump off the truck and onto the side of the road. Peter runs ahead. I follow him to a gas station

"Why is their secret lair a gas station? That's lame" Peter whispers. I hit his arm.

"Really, that's what you are worried about right now," I whisper sass. Peter talks to his suit and I just ignore them. Peter jumps off the sign and I run hiding behind the side of the gas station. I hear a thud and turn around to see Peter face planted on the ground. He continues to talk to suit about web-shooters. He runs next to me trying to figure it out. He shoots a taser web? I think that's what it was. It is stuck to the ceiling of the gas station and Pete runs trying to get in unstuck. I attempt to not laugh.

"Hey can you TRY to quiet?!" I whisper yell to him when he runs over to the other side of the station. He still struggles to get his web-shooter working right. Pete jumps onto the roof when these trucks pull up.

"Vulture" I growl under my breath. I jump onto the roof and grab Peter before he leaps off the roof and swings to the top of the truck. The roof of said truck is open like a sunroof but not really.

"Cool, this is some phase matter shifter," Spidey says.

"Nerds" I mumble. He just nudges me, hearing what I said. Vulture comes out of the truck holding a bag. Peter shoots a web and grabs it,

"Hey Big Bird!! Those don't belong to you!" Peter shouts. I nod in agreement. Vulture attaches his wings and charges at the two of us.

"Oh Crap!" "SHIT!!" Peter and I scream.

~Fighting Ensues~ (A/N: There is a fight scene, but me being a lazy dip i didn't feel like writing it. SORRY!)

Peter ends up in the back of the truck going GOD KNOWS WHERE!! And guess where I am?! Walking back all the way to our hotel to regroup. UGH! Why can't I have super-speed or shoot webs or something. I make it back to the hotel just in time.

"NED!" I say bursting through the door.

"What happened to you?! Where is Peter?" Ned asks frantically noticing that I'm missing my boyfriend.

"Heisinthebackofatruckgoingsomewhere!"(<--He is in the back of a truck going somewhere!) I say quickly looking at the ground.

"He is WHERE!?"

"In the back of a government truck" I say shyly.

"Great" he replies with sarcasm. He yawns.

"Ned, why don't you head to sleep and I will try to track Peter down" I suggest. He nods to tired to respond. I climb onto Peter's bed grabbing Ned's laptop. I easily hack into Pete's suit. Not to brag, but I am a pretty good hacker if I do say so myself *hair flip*. Even though I like to say I'm good hacker I am only able to access his audio. Yeah I know right. Peter seems to be talking to his suit. I decide I'm gonna be nosy and listen.

"I think I'm gonna call you Karen," Peter says confidently.

"You can call me Karen if you'd like" Karen, I guess, replies. They continue to talk and I almost fall asleep until I hear my name.

"Andy, she is fantastic!" Peter says sighing. I smile. "But I still like Liz." My smile drops. "I don't know what to do. Should I tell Liz I'm Spider-Man? Would Liz be disappointed?" Why does he care what Liz thinks?? I'm his girlfriend?! But he still likes Liz. I mean it makes sense why he would still like Liz. She is prettier, smarter, and cooler. If Peter likes her than he can be with her for all I care! I don't need my emotions to be toyed with! I am not gonna deal with this ish. I love Peter, but he needs to make up his mind. I shut off the laptop and close my eyes. I plan out how I'm going to break up with Peter.

A/N:  I know its only been a day and Peter and Andy already broke up, but I need drama somehow. I'm sorry if it seemed stupid to only have them date for that short period of time, but deal with it. please *slides cookies*. There ya go. I hope y'all have an AMAZING LIFE!! Bye for now my lovelies!! Stay Whelmed! <3

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