Entry 27 3\5\21

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Dear Journal,

Agust is mad at me today, he sits in front of me as I write this, flicking a piece of paper around my desk as he gives me the silent treatment. He hasn't talked to me for an hour now, even when I mocked him for acting like a child. An hour and a half ago he stormed into my room and demanded an explanation for why I didn't tell him my birthday had passed and why I didn't even tell him when my birthday was. I told him that I don't celebrate my birthday and he threw himself into the chair and hasn't moved since. But I can slowly feel him calming down and getting over it. I know he's going to make me go to a party with him or something and have fun. He's not going to forget when my birthday is now.

Even if I did celebrate my birthday I still wouldn't tell him because I completely ruined his birthday this year and I'm still not over it. I feel like absolute crap every time I think about it, even though he tells me not to worry about it and that he was happy to spend his birthday with me. While he was yelling at me earlier I told him not to get anything and that's when he really lost it. He told me about all the things I got him for his birthday and how he wanted to give the same back to me and how unfair I am. I just sighed and lifted an eyebrow at him. He glared at me for a solid minute before yelling again.

That's pretty much all I have to say about this week.

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