Entry 38 5\23\21

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Dear Journal,

Prom was amazing. Agust looked amazing, I felt amazing. He came and picked me up in his car and we drove to a restaurant to eat. Then we drove to the school and went to prom. Agust was announced as prom king. What surprised me most was that I was queen. I had to go up on the stage with Agust and let them put a crown on my head, Agust had to get one too. The school had to make a big circle for the king, queen, prince, and princess to dance. I couldn't stop smiling the whole not. Agust kept whispering sweet nothings in my ear, but they were everything. He made me feel so alive and happy. Agust would stare at me the whole time and I couldn't help but look back. I got so lost in his eyes each time I dared to look into them. But I didn't mind.

Jay was there too. He was looking amazing, as he usually does. He was dancing around and making everyone laugh. He was the date for the prom queen last year. They looked great together, I couldn't help but think that Jay picked out her dress for her and helped them coordinate their outfits.

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