the kulls

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Just a quick message to whoever is reading this, this is my theory or version of what happens next and it's my first time doing this so don't judge but please give me your honest opinion about it in the comments or chat with me, thank you. Sorry about the spelling. P.S couldn't think of an good evil group name.

Narrator: After the team saved Keri and the master mind died. Korps went into hiding, but another evil group, grew and they were the Kulls and their main goal was to destroy MI9, once and for ALL!

Stella: Ok, down to business, the kulls now have tried a new plan, by blackmailing us and they said "If MI9 doesn't give them the password to all the missiles and banks in Britain, the priminister get its."

Dan: Come on, we've been in worse situations.

Narrator: Dan has been acting all weird, since Keri told Dan that she loved him, and since then they haven't been working, um... let's say well with each other. Also, Aneisha and Tom don't know.

Frank: anyway we don't know the location, but they sent us of the video of what they were saying when they were blackmailing us. Tom see if you...

Tom: on it.

Frank: Dan, Keri and Aneisha when Tom finds the place, go to it and save the priminister.

the three of them: yep

tom: found it, it's at a old warehouse building on mangle street.

narrator: on the way there Dan and Keri would not stop arguing about why they have to work together, eventually Aneisha yelled "SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU!" 

Aneisha through communicator: Tom they have been like this for nearly two weeks now! I wonder why.

tom through communicator: I know right, but we'll see if they tell us after the mission, ok.

Aneisha: ok and we're here, it's kinda creepy, oh well we'll snoop around a bit and see if we can find the priminister.

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