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Narrator: After tom said that, Keri was listening through the communicators nervously, waiting to her Stella's reply. Actually, they were all listen closely. Eventually Stella spoke.

Stella: KERI! I will speak to you after the mission, got it.

Keri: *gulped* Mm'hm.

Aneisha: look!  guys, I see the priminister.

Dan: ok, lets go over to him and set him straight.

*all walk over to homeless man (priminister)*

Frank on com: carefully place your words, Aneisha, so there no suspicion about who you are.

Aneisha: hello, my friends and I were wondering if you need somewhere to stay.

Homeless man (priminister): yeah, I do actually, where were you thinking?

Keri: we were thinking, our hide out, but because it's a secret place we have to blindfold you on the way.

Homeless man (primisnter): ok.

Narrator: So, the team blindfolded the priminister, and took him to their hide out (base). When they got there they took the blindfold off the primisnter.

Stella: hello priminister, sorry about the blindfold but you can not know were our base is, even if you are the priminister. it's MI9 proticall.

Priminister: ahh, yes I see, but why am I here?

Tom: well, you remember that day in the warehouse, those *pointing to Dan, Keri and Aneisha*  were the agents you handed to kull. Kull  are trying to bring down MI9 once and for all.

Frank: They escaped and had to find you, to help you get back on track. Also don't worry those kull agents will know were you are, when your back on track, but will not kidnap you again. Trust me they'll try a different tacit.

Narrator: so they team set the primisnter straight and took him back to his building.

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