Chp2- | "Stick together no matter what"

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This chapter is written by TitanicsBiggestFan 

Roses POV
My eyes fluttered open, I was huddled underneath a woollen blanket shivering, my whole body ached, however at that second, my mind traveled to other places.
Where was Jack!?
Was that all a dream? Us getting rescued out of the depths of the Atlantic, the crew members pulling us onto the lifeboat, us lying there frozen like statues.
It couldn't have been, I remember Jack telling me to reach for that whistle, that's what saved us, he had to be alive, if he wasn't then I wouldn't be.
I threw the blanket of my head, stood up and started shouting Jacks name, people began to stare probably wondering if I had some crazy mental illness, but it was nothing unusual, it was the love I had for Jack, I needed him to live, without him I would be nothing.
I fell to my knees in sorrow I wailed, longing for Jack as there was no sign of him, I buried my head in my trembling hands, he was gone he had really gone, forever.
As soon as my body had fully hit the floor, two cold hands were placed over my eyes "why are you crying? We made it Rose, we made it!" Said a familiar voice
I removed the hands from my tear stained face, to see the person whom I had been so worried about, the person whom I had thought had passed, it was Jack! he was here, he was alive!
I jumped off the floor and flung myself into his arms "oh Jack, your alive! I thought that it was all a dream, us getting out of the water"
"Oh Rose, you know that we got rescued, you knew that Rose, there was no need to worry!"
He said to me as he took a hold of my hands.
"I'm never gonna leave you Rose, I'll never let anything happen to you, I love you Rose"
He pulled me closer
"I love you too, Jack Dawson"

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