Dawson, Rose Dawson

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*This chapter is written by TitanicsBiggestFan *
Roses POV
Today was the day that we were due to depart the Carpathia, I had woken up in Jacks arms, I was so tired my entire body still ached, a outstretched my arms and a light yawn spilled from my lips. "Morning Rose" Jack said to me as he awakened after a long sleep. "Jack, I think that we should go and get something to eat, after all it could be the last thing that we eat for a long time" I said to Jack with sorrow spread across my face "Rose, I love you, and we're going to push  through life together as one, I will look after you, cherish you and not take you for granted like Cal did, you will be safe with me Rose he can't hurt you anymore" Jack said to me as he pushed the messed up hair behind my ears, revealing my tired face I tried to hide it with my hands as I hated the way I looked in the morning but he grabbed hold of my hands and said "no, you look beautiful" I looked at him with passion and then tipped my head down as my cheeks began to blush, I giggled. He placed one of his fingers on the tip of my chin and lifted it up, I locked eyes with him, he then placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in, before I knew it are lips had entwined, we were stuck in a trance of love, until I thought about the departure, and I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me, I let out a small giggle and he then let go...
"I think we better get going!" I said to Jack as I jumped up, there was no need for us to get ready as we had nothing to get ready with.
"Yeah, we should I suppose, I heard from one of the crew members that we should be docking at 11:00am and right now it's 10am" Jack explained to me

We walked down the corridors and into a large room were they were serving free meals for all the people that had survived the Titanic, as mist people had lost all of their money and possessions.
We then found an empty table for two and took a seat, "well, Rose it looks as if they are bringing us porridge, you like that?"
I did indeed like porridge, and I was quite looking forward to this meal as I was starving!
It didn't take long until one of the stewards noticed that we were Titanic survivors as our clothes were half ripped and are hair was white from the salt in the ocean. "Titanic survivors, are you?" Said the steward
"Yeah" Jack replied to him "ok I'll be over to you in a minute" he then walked off
"We won't be waiting to long then Rose"
"Oh thanks goodness, I am starving!" I replied to him
Minutes later the steward came back, "two bowls of steaming hot porridge" he said as he placed the dishes in front of us , but he then handed Jack a paper bag "oh sorry sir we didn't order anything extra" Jack said to him in confusion "oh no sir, all Titanic survivors are given a package  to last them at least 4 weeks"
My face lit up with excitement, I grabbed Jacks arm, "Oh my god Jack we won't starve after all, thanks you sir!"  I exclaimed all at once!.

We made are way back to our cabin when we heard a loud 'honk!' Noise spread throughout the ship "Jack, is that the horn for docking?" I asked him "yeah, it is let's get going" we then turned around and made are way to to long queue of people that lie ahead of us, it was huge I skimmed across the sea of passengers, and then I saw them I grabbed Jacks arm an Said "duck there's mother and Cal"
"Rose what did I tell you? They can't hurt you anymore, your not their little puppet Rose, it's fine" I looked up at Jack and said "ok, if you'll protect me"
We carried on swimming through the crowds of people, I didn't think that anyone would recognise me anyway, as all of the apparent beauty that I had, had been drained out of my face, like dirty water in a  sink, I looked a wreck.

We had finally reached land, we stepped out onto the pavement, it felt so safe to be on dry land, away from the water, I would never leave it again.
A man was stood in the pouring rain, asking for the names of survivors "Can I take your name please miss?"
"Dawson, Rose Dawson"

"We'll stay forever this way"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora