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Hi its Kaylynn! KateWinsletFan109 im back from my break and i will try to keep this story and my one on my account going so enjoy!

Roses POV

It was Late In the middle of the sidewalk huddled up against jack next to the supermarket it must be atleast 12:00. Im seriously starving i havent eaten since the shipped docked which was 2 days ago and i have on a dress donated to me on the Carpathia not the best dress since its from Charity but its warable. They gave us 5 bucks and 2 outfits and sent us on our own and me and jack are of course trying to save it.
So i guess ill just sit here untill jack wakes up stairing at the sky its starless not a single star. Im going to make an attempt to go to sleep but it most likely will not work. I was right it didn't work im hungry but im not going to eat out of the trash can because even though id love to be poor i will never eat out of the trash can.

I remember when i was younger they always told me what to do

"Act like a lady!"

"Dont sit that way!'

"Dont play in the dirt!"

I was never allowed to play in the dirt it was not ladylike but i did not care. Why would i? I always told myself id never end up l snotty and id never be rude to poor people id make friends with them and its fun to be poor.

Jack then wakes up and see's that im awake. "Want to go get something to eat?" he asks
"Sure." We then start walking. We go into a gas station.

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