SPN S1E19 Provenance

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Directed By: Phil Sgriccia
Written By: David Ehrman
Monster: Ghost
Original Airing: 04/13/06

A portrait of a long-dead family is amazingly life like. Maybe that's because one of the likeness is alive...and lethal.

The hits arrive in upstate New York where Mark and Anne Tekesca were found dead in a locked house. They were the latest in a series of murders over a number of decades in the same area according to research from John's journal. They visit the Telesca home, but there's no signs of any supernatural activity. All the furnishing have been taken to an auction house so the boys go check it out in case a spirit has attached itself to an object. At the auction house, the owner, Daniel Blake, tires to get them to leave. They speak to his daughter, Sarah Blake, who also works at the auction house and confirms that the Telesca estate is being auctioned. Before she tells them anymore, her father asks them to leave. Dean thinks Sarah showed interest in Sam and suggests he take her on a date in order to get more information. Over dinner Sarah encelas she hasn't been on a date since her mother's unexpected death, which was a year ago.

Sarah gets Sam copies of the provenance a of the items in the Telesca estate. Dean finds that a portrait of Isaiah Merchant's family painted in 1910 was also owned by the other families that have been killed. After dark Sam and Dean return to the auction house and burn the painting. The next day Dean pretends that he has dropped his wallet at the auction house, purely so Sam can see Sarah again. When they get there they are shocked to find the loathing is still there and unharmed.

At the library they find out that Isaiah. Enchant was accused of killing his wife, two sons, and adopted daughter. Back at the motel Sam notices that in a picture of the painting in an old book, Isaiah is staring straight ahead, and in the lasting now, he is looking down to the right. Dean also encourages sa. To pursue Sarah, but Sam is reluctant to do so. He calls Sarah to see if they can view the oaiting again, only to find it has been sold to a friend of Sarah's named Evelyn. The boys rush to the house just as Sarah gets there, but they find Evelyn is already dead.

After sorting the police, Sarah and the boys return to the motel room. They explain to Sarah that the picture is haunted. Despite being scared, Sarah resolves to help them. Back at Evelyn's house they examine the painting and notice mor features in the painting have changed; among other things there is now a mausoleum, where all the family's cremated remains are housed, however Isaiah Merchant is not interred there. Dena finds that Isaiah was buried in a pauper's grave and goes to salt and burn the corpse.

Later they all return to burn the painting as a precaution, but Sam and Sarah get trapped inside Evelyn's house and are attacked by the spirit of Melanie Merchant, who had been responsible for the murders all along. Dean returns to the mausoleum and burns an antique doll that has Melanie's as the doll's hair. This finally gets rid of her spirit. At the auction house Sarah orders the painting burned a d says goodbye to Sam and Dean. As they leave Sam returns and kisses Sarah goodbye.

Night Time
By: Steve Carlson
Plays at the bar when Dean hits on the girls.

Romantic Piece No. 1
By: Antonin Dvorak
Plays at the auction house.

One More Once
By: Alan Pasqua
Plays when Sam and Sarah have dinner together.

Bad Time (To Be in Love)
By: Grand Funk Railroad
The sing in the car radio; Dean "sets the mood" for Sam and Sarah.

Sam: All right, I think we got something.
Dean: Oh yeah, me too. I think we need to take a little shore leave, just a little bit. What do you think, huh? I'm so in the door with this one.
Sam: ask what are we today Dean? I mean, are we rock stars, are we army rangers?
Dean: Reality TV scouts, looking for people with special skills. I mean hey, it's not far off right? By the way, she's got a friend over there. Possibly hook you up. What do you say?
Sam: Dean, no thanks, I can get my own dates.

Sam: Dad noted three murders in the same area of upstate New York. First one here in 1912, second one right here in 1945, and the third in 1970, the same M.O. As the Telescas, their throats were slit, doors were locked form the inside. Now so much Time had passed between the murders that nobody checked the latter , except Dad. He kept his eyes peeled for another one.

Dean: What was...providence?
Sam: Pro-e-nance. It's a certificate of origin, like a biography. You know e can use them to check the history of the pieces, see if any of them have a freaky past.

Dean: You didn't have to con he of do any...special favors or anything like that?
Sam: Dean, would you get your mind out of the gutter, please?

Sam: You know, I don't get it. What do you care if I hook up?
Dean: 'Cause then maybe you wouldn't be so cranky all the time. You know, seriously Sam, this isn't about hooking up, okay? I mean, I, I think that this Sarah girl could be good for you. And...I don't mean any disrespect but I'm sure this is about Jessica, right? Now I don't know what it's like to lose somebody like that...but...I would think that she would want you to be happy. God forbid have fun once in a while. Wouldn't she?
Sam: Yeah I know she would... Yeah you're right. Part of this is about Jessica. But not the main part.
Dean: What's it about? Yeah all right. Well we still gotta see that painting, which means you still gotta call Sarah, so...

Sam: Sarah, you saw that painting move.
Sarah: No...no I was...I was seeing things. It's impossible.
Dean: Yeah well, welcome to our world.
Sam: Sarah, I know this sounds crazy...but we think that that painting is haunted.
Sarah: You're joking... You're not joking. God, the guys I go out with.

Sarah: So what exactly is your brother doing in there?
Sam: Searching county death certificates trying to find out what happened to Isaiah's body.
Sarah: How'd he even get in the door?
Sam: Lying and subterfuge mostly.

Sarah: You guys seem to be uncomfortably comfortable with this.
Sam: Well, this isn't exactly the first grave we've dug.

Dean: I'm the one who burned the doll, destroyed the spirit. Don't thank me or anything.

Fun Facts
When Sam and Dean arrive at the auction there are three luxury cars parked next to the impala. The second is a Bentley with the New York license plate "THEKRIP." This could be a reference to the creator and executive producer of Supernatural, Eric Kripke.

Dean: Consignment auctions, estate sales. Looks like a garage sale for WASPs if you ask me.
WASP is short for the term White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, which usually is meant to describe people from privileged backgrounds.

Dean: So you think daddy dearest is trapped in the painting and he's handing out Colombian neckties like he did with his family?
A Columbian necktie is a form of execution in which the victim's threat js skit and the tongue is pulled out through the open wound.

Sam: What, like a Da Vinci Code deal?
Dean: I don't know, I'm still waiting for the movie on that one.
Sam is referring to the bestseller, "The Da Vinci Code", by Dan Brown. In the novel clues to a bug mystery are found in Leonardo da Vinci's paintings. The movie for this novel was released in 2006 about a month after this episode aired.

When Sam and Dean are examining the details of the painting you can hear Jensen say Jared instead of Sam.

While researching the Merchant family a newspaper article they find shares the finest page with the lead story. "New Titanic Sinks, 1304 People Go To Watery Graves; Only 866 saved from 2,170 Aboard Liner Which Collides With Iceberg. Disaster Proves To Be the Greatest in Marine History of the World." This is the first time the titanic is referred to in the series.

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